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Rainbow Fox

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Everything posted by Rainbow Fox

  1. I'm releasing what code I've assembled in case anyone is interested in it. I didn't include llEjectFromLand(Target); since this is merely a detector script. You can add that if you want. Paste it above or below the "Bot Detected" line. I've been running the script most of a week. It has detected several presumed bots. However, I found it simpler to just deny parcel access for no payment on file, and add any friends who have no payment on file to the parcel access list to bypass that. However, people with Linden Homes can't do that.
  2. Well, if the script detects commonality between bots, it will immediately eject and ban them on sight. I had my script running the past 2 days. Looks like the bots took sunday night off. No results.
  3. Are you really defending a bot??? It's not a living thing... It's lines of code, meant to carry out a function by a programmer. Nothing more. They don't respond / communicate in any way. That will ONLY change once someone creates a living example of Star Fleet's Commander Data or something...
  4. Indeed. Decades ago, we used to have something called Banlink, which allowed parcels and regions to share a ban list. I don't know if it's still around, or if anything similar exists today. I could see something like that being made to allow landowners to flag certain accounts as bots.
  5. Progress report; I had a couple bots today with the same llGetObjectDetails results as yesterday. There is definitely commonality. I also started messing with what I could do with llHTTPRequest. I can check if someone has a profile pic or description using this. The only issue is it can get throttled. The more I find, the more I'll share. Also, to the question "why not ask them?", because they all behave exactly the same way. They pop into the same spots, then poof 1 second later. It's very obvious they're bots. They also seem to have multiple uses of the same name, like Brenden. That name must have been favored in their random name generator lol.
  6. I'm sure you've all heard of those survey bots that pop into sims randomly. Some people see them as harmless, others see them as an intrusion. Especially if they pop into your skybox every 2 hours... I started to look for an LSL way to detect them. Sadly, there is no direct way. So I started observing the bots, and I noticed none of them have filled out profiles, All account ages are 13+ years or over 1, and none of them are in groups. Based off of that information, I started toying around with an avatar detector script I made, using llGetObjectDetails. Using this command, I collected data on 3 bots today. Each had an OBJECT_TOTAL_SCRIPT_COUNT of 4, an OBJECT_SCRIPT_MEMORY of less than 262200, an OBJECT_SCRIPT_TIME of less than 0.000200, a blank OBJECT_GROUP_TAG (meaning no active group title), and an OBJECT_ATTACHED_SLOTS_AVAILABLE of over 30. Until LL gives us a proper way to detect a scripted agent, this is all I can come up with. But even this might misfire. A newbie may meet that criteria if they haven't acquired attachments or an avatar yet. Then again, I could also check account age. That will disregard newbs. I'm sure nobody will wait 13 years to finally get an avatar lol. I will have to leave my bot detector running before I see pure commonality between bots. After all, that was just 3 bots... I also tried llGetAttachedList, but some of the bots have different clothes. So that was probably useless... If it detected something they all wore in common, or at the very least detected nothing, I would have had something to go on. Hopefully some of this was helpful to someone else, and maybe someone has a better way? Why do I want to detect bots? To boot them off my land, of course. Just not anyone else... They seem to always choose my parcel. And I have no idea who runs these bots, so I can't contact them to ask them to stop. Automated trackers and data collectors are creepy. I know we live in an age where every social media platform is collecting data on us to share with advertisers and governments, but if I have a way to prevent it, I'm going to try. I have browser plugins to block such things. And not everyone can afford a private sim. Privacy shouldn't just be for the wealthy.
  7. I gotta agree with KingolaBear. Sure it matters a little which distro you're using because each does things somewhat different, but thats no reason to be attacked for using the distro of your choice. I try to be as helpful as I can in the groups whenever I'm able to pay attention. I'm usually afk or scripting though.
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