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Everything posted by JewelsJewelry

  1. ... well, why not? Does Lindenlab offer basic accouts out of love or because they hope on profits? If attraction of customers is suddenly illegal, world economy has to shut down.
  2. Very interesting comments. Somebody around familiar with California legality? I can think about a illegality of payed games (that the loss of small cent amouts is hardly to name as "loss" is a different topic). So somebody can loose and must be "protected". ok. But why not payout of FREE games? To beat the high-score of somebody else will be completely boring, if I cannot grab "his" money on doing so. Gambling without money is like a soup without salt. Not only to me! All those free games being occupied in the past all time long are now lonely. Nobody is interested in "highscores only"- Why are those FREE to play payouts finalized as well?
  3. After a long time of hardhsip for the SL support and me, we managed my avatar to enter skill game regions. What do I find there? Entertainment of thrilling skill games? Challenging tasks? Unfortunately not. Instead there are sims covered with stupid, dumb, bingo-machines. Nothing to calclulate, but dumb clicking ;-( Those games which were fun, because they were tricky to play are gone or do not pay money any more. So under the line I can enter skill game regions now, - but there are not skill games. e.g. These games gave me so many great hours in the past: Coloto, Gemds, Shrooms, Hiro, Poco Loco, Locomotive, Rails, Gemmy, Gem, ..... and so many more. They all are gone or do not pay any more. Dear Lindens: You protect nobody (so many were free to play!) by forbidding them or their payout, but it takes away so much fun. Warm Regards, Jewel's Jewelry
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