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Everything posted by Yoshimaster96

  1. Why can't I just set it to use the bone sizes that are in the .dae file? Or can I? Also, I'm having trouble with the feet, they're all "tiptoed" for some reason:
  2. For some reason my avatar is stretching wildly when I import it via Build>Upload>Model and then wear it by attaching it to Avatar Center: This is what it's supposed to look like: It seems as though it's trying to conform my mesh's proportions to that of the male base, which I don't want. How can I fix this? Also, I can't seem to drag+drop a texture image onto the mesh. Importing it via the same method as the mesh by checking the corresponding box doesn't seem to work either. How can I fix this as well?
  3. Wait, hold the phone. If I get my L$, and you get your USD, why does it matter if it goes through someone else to make us both happy? What is so bad about getting a friend involved? I'd like more detail if this is the argument you're sticking to.
  4. Well, I thought of something. Maybe I could send money via Paypal to someone with a linked account, they buy the L$, then send them to me via Second Life Viewer. Now to find someone who'd be willing to work with me...
  5. I have over $12 on my Paypal, and wanted to buy some L$. However, it needs either a bank account or a card, both of which I don't have, and don't have access to in the forseeable future. The reason I was given for this is that transactions aren't instantaneous. So what? If you're gonna get the money within a week, does it really have to be right away? Also, all the alternative "authorized resellers" are now extinct, so I cannot use those. I honestly have no clue what to do. Is there something else I am unaware of? What do you suggest I do?
  6. How do I import a COLLADA .dae model into Second Life?
  7. How to draw a cube in LSL? Or do I have to manually place 1024 cubes by myself?
  8. I'm making an object (in this case a game), how would I set the primitive position relative to the object position?
  9. Yes, I want to see which key is pressed. Sorry I wasn't so specific. Got it. How do I change a primitive's color?
  10. A few questions: How to get key press? How to declare functions? How to dynamically alter a texture bitmap (i.e. for a game)?
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