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Tifani Seoung

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Posts posted by Tifani Seoung

  1. I actually love this section because writing ads is just so fun.

    I saw your reply in my thread and decided I'd throw some pixie dust at your thread to return the love! We should totally, totally be friends. I'm having a bit of a busy weekend but I should be on within the next day or two and will drop a message to you then, if that'd be okay. :cathappy:

    • LISTS!
    • The only tragic thing about pasta is, yes, carbs. It pains me to cut them out but alas, I've been replacing most of them with those darn treehugging vegan green smoothies. Bananas are life. I am bananas (and spinach).
    • There's this phenomenon in my life where my best friends since childhood have all been Capricorns. Cliche as can be, but I do consider myself superstitious when it comes to zodiac signs!
    • Lists. So tidy.


    I've never actually played Cards Against Humanity, and I've heard that it brings out that psychopath in people, so naturally I'd be down to play. If you ever round up some people for a game just let me know and I'll try to make it!


    I'm terrible with keeping up with the media but lately I've been watching a lot of Orphan Black, Orange Is the New Black, and Weeds. I prefer documentaries over TV, Transmission is the place I idle the most in SL, and I have 0 joke telling skills so feel free to laugh at how much of a fumbling dork I am instead. I know, I sound like an incredibly interesting person. B-)

    I should be in game tonight or tomorrow, hope ya don't mind if I drop a message/friend request then!

    p.s This is totally a reply to a reply. I'm throwin' all ma laaav at your thread.

  2. Ready for some quick facts? Freshly 21, Midwest, Pisces.


    • Eating pasta. We can't talk if you're not a pasta enthusiast. Seriously.
    • Meowing back at my cat when he meows at me first.
    • Sleeping in 'til 3, realizing all the time I wasted, and then proceeding to make it up by watching Netflix until bed time. 
    • List making. This is the first of many, just wait and see.
    • Admiring the grey blocks on my screen because my laptop is too tiny and unfit to properly run SL (but I'm a rebel so I do it anyway).

    But really, I'm just another socially awkward being floating around in cyber space until I bump into something that's mildly interesting enough to keep my curiosity picqued for five minutes. I thrive on classic rock'n'roll, spend a lot of time watching documentaries on social issues and serial killers, and never EVER wear matching socks. It drives the people around me crazy so I guess you can say I'm pretty wild.

    I'm looking for some friends that can rev up my brain and inspire me further because I believe the world is nothing without creativity and shared experiences 'n thoughts with other people. I'm fairly light hearted but I'm definitely not even kidding about being awkward! Patience is a skill I value the most in people because sometimes my shyness simply takes over and it can take some time for me to come around to people. If we do become acquaintances and I go quiet a lot, please don't take it seriously. I'm constantly fumbling over my words and trying to find the things that make me sound really cool when in reality I'm a dork.

    I like horror movies, interesting facts, the thought of veganism, animal rights, the environment, hugging trees, alternative rock, punk, freebie hunting, humor, irony, mythology, art, history, tiny houses!, poetry, gaming, writing, the macabre, theories, and listening to people talk about their lives and stories. 

    So, hey! If you'd like to be my talking buddy on SL just hit me up in game (Tifani Seoung) or leave me some quirky facts about yourself in this thread. I really enjoy learning the small things about people, ya know? Like, I always chew on plastic forks, hardly wear shoes and I tend to sing the Oscar Mayer wiener song for seemingly no reason at all. It gets really weird after a certain point actually, haha.

    Peace out, earthlings! I look forward to exchanging ancient civilizations' secrets with you. 

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