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Everything posted by EmeraldDevotion

  1. This policy really has nothing to do with whether a game takes skill or not, it is really about the money. If a game pays out money LL has stated it is a skill game, which is a load of bull. Just because soething pays out L$ does not mean it took any skill to make the L$. Such as the No Devil games, random numbers popping up that you may get lucky enough to match to one on the board is NOT a skill game, it is a game of chance, but because it pays out L$ it is now considered a skill game. The only "skill" required to play such games is the ability to push a button and match numbers that just randomly get generated. It is horrible, you guys just can't handle anyone making a profit if you aren't getting a cut of it. Don't you make enough off of screwing people over on land prices and such? So let's cut the bull LL, you guys finally realized some people are making bucket loads of L$ at these games and LL isn't getting their cut so they say it's a skill game and now poof they get to make money off of the people by upping the price of land to be a skill game region, non refundable application fee's as well as a quarterly license fee's . They should be ashamed of themselves.
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