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Posts posted by Zackalack

  1. Hey, I've been trying to import a Bikini into blender, I made the mesh in blender - then imported it into Maya to rig (it can only be rigged in maya) and this used to work fine, But now when I export the mesh from Maya, it'll always give me a .dea Parsing error, but when I export the non rigged from blender, it's fine.




    The name of the file has been the same as previour working projects, I double chakced the mesh and it's fine, seems to be an issue when exporting from Maya exlusivly. anyone know any fixes?

  2. Hey, I've been trying to import a dress I made into SL. But for some reason it won't give me the option to include skin weights.

    I tried importing previous clothes that did work before, and different rigs, but for the same result. so my guess it's something to do with the latest update? I've tried using the Default viewer too, same result.


    Any possible fix or can you not import rigged clothign anymore?

    **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://puu.sh/tpxke/9eafed7d7f.jpg" border="0" />



    Note this seems to be with Maya rigged items

  3. Hey sorry for the delay, was busy with work.


    I managed to get it to work. by removing certain parts of the model, in this case the steps. Not sure why they broke the physics, as they where not modified or moved since the rough draft (Which worked). So I'll jus thave to upload the steps seperatly.


    Thanks for the help guys <3

  4. Thanks for the reply.

    It's a mesh object, a single object no linked parts, No etxtra objected made, just the moulding moved a few cenetmeters and the door frame thickness.


    The Physics model is a single model too, like the original mesh and I've tried multiple files of the physics, same result.


    And nothing appears in the exploded view, I tried uploading it and it seems there's no Prim option for the physics, so it doesn't seem to upload at all.


    Hope that helps. I can supply some screenshots later.


    Hey, I've been making a house in blender for SL, I uploaded a rough copy with physics, it worked perfectly.

    Then in blender I editited a bit, mostly adjusting so the moulding and walls where even, making it neater, but not affecting the size much.


    but when I tried to upload, the phyics just would not show up. I tried re-making the phsyics twice, setting the scale to 1, making the phsyics match the bounding box.

    But the same weird issue each time


    This is the bug, you should be able to see the physics. My guess it deforms either uber small or uber big. and I'm pretty bummed out why it decided to stop working.


    Anyone know a fix?



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