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Ichi Rexen

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Posts posted by Ichi Rexen

  1. 5 hours ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:
    1. What's the use.
    2. LSL Isn't exactly the best environment to implement crypto.
    3. Do you actually need to decrypt the data or do you simply want to sign a piece of data to ensure its autenticity?

    Besides LSL I also program in Python, Java and PHP. I wasn't talking specifically about LSL though I should have been clearer about that so apologies.

    I wouldn't say I have a specific "use" in mind at the moment I am just wanting to learn more about it. I know that sounds a bit vague but there are several things I would like to cover. Such as, encryption methods beyond XOR, encrypting data, decrypting data, signing data as you stated, how encryptions algorithms are created (math behind it), how encryption keys are generated (math behind it), the best methods to use, how is it that someone can take an encrypted piece of information and manage to figure out how to decrypt it, what is it they are specifically doing that allows them to identify the type of encryption used to then begin writing code to decrypt it.

    It's been something that I have been thinking about learning more about for a while, mainly to add to my knowledge and skill in this field. I have obviously found some information on the above because as I stated the internet is a wealth of information and google is your best friend, a lot of what is returned is more "surface" stuff if you get me. What I am a bit lost on is where to start when it comes to going beyond the "use this function" example pages. 

    As this is an LSL forum lets use an LSL example : http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/AES_LSL_Implementation

    Its clearly obvious that whoever wrote this has a deep understanding of encryption and figured out how to implement AES encryption in LSL aka they constructed the whole entire encryption algorithm from scratch. Its one thing to just use that as an encryption method and another to be able to construct it from nothing. There are obviously methods and math behind it all and thats what I want to dive into and start learning about. When you look at what they are doing in that AES example there is a lot going on in there that I honestly have no idea where to even begin in figuring out what is making that particular encryption method tick.

    I do appreciate what I'm asking may sound a bit vague in parts. I tried to word the above as best as I could to describe what I wanted as I am more than aware of just how big the field of crypto actually is and saying "I want to learn encryption" is a bit vague in terms of whats actually on offer.


  2. On 1/9/2019 at 2:21 AM, Orwar said:

    England is Center-Right

    Idk about that. Government and policy wise that's maybe what they want you to think. In terms of actuality and what actually goes on here and your general living experience it varies and spends a good portion of its time hanging out on the centre left to far left side of life. Our government portrays one thing but in reality had no idea which side of the line they fall on.

  3. 17 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:

    Certainly and that's fair.

    Though my question isn't why you *do* prefer a particular viewer, it's why do you *bash* on another viewer (always the Official viewer from what I've seen)? In this thread there are many responses to the OP, some more useful and on-topic than others, and (as always seems to be the case in these subjects) there are those who, either directly or ambiguously through innuendo, bash on the Official viewer.

    So, I am asking the question why? What exactly is it about the Official viewer that makes it *bad* or so *horrible* to you? So far, I've not seen a single justifiable response. LOL And to be clear: *I* believe all viewers are excellent viewers; they all do an excellent job of displaying and allowing us to interact with the in-world content, some differently than others, but in the end: all doing so.

    Just because you don't feel like it's justified it doesn't mean that's the case. When it comes to viewers it's all about personal preference. My preferences are Firestorm or as of late The Cool Viewer. I don't hate the official viewer per say as it's a very stable viewer but it's not one I'm the most fond of particularly because...

    1. I find it very limiting in terms of features offered compared to third party alternatives and options right in front of you beat messing around with the XML files for the average user.

    2. I can't stand how IM, Group and Local chat is handled with all the pop in and pop out windows. Much prefer how Firestorm and TCV handle it.

    3. It's not THE most intuitive viewer even if it is simplified compared to others. You may think it is but let's compare Firestorm vs Official chat. Want a local chat bar in Firestorm? It's already there waiting. Want one in the Official viewer?. Open chat, pop out local chat, click button to minimise tip part of local chat, move local chat box down to bottom left, close down main chat window, chat box vanishes (-_-), hit enter to bring chat box back and finally it stays put. THAT is not intuitive.

    4. Chat (see 3), Inventory, whatever else. To do something seems to involve more work than is needed. Overall the viewer feels like a chore.

    now, for me those are justified reasons to not use it. For you, you might feel different. It's personal preference and nothing more.

    • Like 2
  4. Hey all!, so I have been wanting to learn more about encryption for some time now but one issue I have come against is where exactly to start. There is a wealth of information available online but no clear indication of where the best starting point would be and which resources I should use that are reliable and won't try to explain it in a way that assumes I'm already a pro at it (as these tutorials tend to do). I have done some basic encryption using XOR but I want to start learning the math behind it, how encryptions are formed, how to construct your own, basic encrypting, advanced encrypting. Can anyone share any tips, resources, info, good place to start that will help me in achieving this?. I feel a little lost in a sea of information

  5. On 1/5/2019 at 5:29 AM, Selene Gregoire said:

    Nothing. It's the people who are afraid of those who are different that are the problem. 

    I will never understand a persons desire to hate that, which does not in reality, actually effect them in any way. I know people fear what they don't understand but why people can just think "ya know it may not be my thing but it's their life to live how they see fit" instead of going "DERP HATE DERP". I always try to live by the notion that IMO acceptance is easier than hate. I feel that If I hate someone for being different then I may miss out on an amazing opportunity to get to know a neat interesting individual who's experience In life differs from my own. People are morons 😂

    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    It's not about fire or "needing to breathe". It's about science. Again: Having mod checked off or not checked off is absolutely no protection against a "questionable" viewer. SInce I had already explained WHY people do this -- because of a mistaken belief -- there was no need to explain THAT it happens once again without being clear what is NO PROTECTION AGAINST IT. The end.

    Again your coming at me like thats what I stated. I never stated that. Just simply gave a reason that I knew of as to why people didn't give out mod objects. Nothing more nothing less. Calm down

    • Like 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    Having mod checked off or not checked off is absolutely no protection against a "questionable" viewer -- that makes no sense.

    Read what I wrote. I'm saying "no-mod" does not protect you against rogue viewers. I'm not saying "there is protection" against rogue viewers. There isn't. Which is why "no-mod" makes no sense.

    I never said it was or wasn't, how about reading what I wrote and have written at least twice and soon to be a third time. Which is "just giving one reason as to why some people don't do it". Thats it, nothing more, nothing less, I'm not stating that mod or mod is or is not the ultimate super be all protection against cb viewers. It isn't, I know this, I'm aware. I'm not trying to start a thing, offend anyones sensibilities, there is no fire in the room. I repeat, no fire in the room. Calm. Breathe. Relax

  8. 7 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

    1. There are only a few (particularly unsavory) situations where there's benefit to retaining the original creator's identity as creator of the copy. This is not what the vast majority of creators have any reason to fear.

    2. Making an illicit copy appear to be from the original creator might usefull perm item from that creator. That's obviously irrelevant to modify permission on whatever no-transfer product is being illicitly copied. 

    3. Good luck doing that with a Mesh item. Defeating this ability server-side, Linden's Mesh developers hopelessly confounded models and object instances, in turn breaking a lot of useful operations available on every other asset class -- including the ability to ever edit them in-world. It damn sure better have been worth it.

    4. This is sadly similar to superstitions common among recent-arrival Mesh clothing creators. They've somehow been duped into believing that they're protecting their creations by making them no-mod. It's tragic, really, and that's the main reason we need to keep reminding them that this is utterly ineffective in protecting their intellectual property.


    Im aware of everything your saying including the mesh bit. I wasn't trying to make a thing out of it, just giving one reason as to why some people don't do it. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

    @Ichi Rexen, do you think the benefits of making everything no-modify is greater than the punishing limit it puts on legitimate, paying customers?

    I don't really have an opinion either way on what other developers do in terms of permissions. If a developer chooses to give out their items modify then woo but if they don't then they don't. Its not really something I worry about. I was just giving one reason as to why some avoid it.

    • Sad 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

    Can you explain why you would need modify permissions on an item if the "questionable viewer" can ignore permissions? Hint: You don't. That's an excuse, not a reasonable argument.

    Whilst you can export any object regardless of the permissions duplicating an object into someones else name requires you to have a full perm item or at least modify so objects can be created from it to create your copy, if you get me. You don't NEED modify to duplicate something but you do if you want it in someone else name

  11. 18 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    and there is never any reason not to put your creation on mod.

    I can give you a reason why some don't...

    1. Download questionable viewer

    2. Take persons full perm item

    3. Import freshly botted item through that persons full perm item

    4. Copied item now appears to be created by the person who's full perm item it was imported through as opposed to the person doing the copying

  12. 6 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

    You're welcome.  I should have remembered to point out the mathematically obvious fact that the first time you use that function, it won't know what fOld_speed is, so the correction  factor will be equal to zero, which will make your object stop dead in its tracks.  That will also be the case if fOld_speed really was 0.0 the last time your checked. The way to avoid that is to give fOld_speed a plausible initial value that is non-zero. Then you're faced with the problem of when to assign that value.  Here's a better way:

    float speed_correction(vector vCurrentV)
        if ( fOld_speed > 0.0 )
            float fCurrent_speed = llVecMag( vCurrentV );
            return fOld_speed / fCurrent_speed;
            fOld_speed = fCurrent_speed;
            fOldSpeed = llVecMag(vCurrentV);
            return 1.0;  // That is, don't modify vCurrentV at all


    Neat thanks!. I will have a play around with this shortly when I get in world. I need to find myself some tutorial videos or something regarding math in a 3D space. I have some stuff down but there are gaps, such as this problem I was facing. I need to brush up on this properly

  13. 2 hours ago, Fenix Eldritch said:

    What you are describing is calculating the angle of reflection: the angle which an object will "bounce" off a surface is equal to the incoming angle perpendicular to the surface collision point. And while the SL physics engine will do this naturally for physics enabled objects, there are other factors in play that affect this - as you've already noticed. Simulated gravity will cause an object to fall towards the ground and each collision will sap away energy/speed.

    If you want to prevent minimize the object from being affected by SL's simulated gravity and friction, you could try this command:

    llSetPhysicsMaterial(GRAVITY_MULTIPLIER | RESTITUTION | FRICTION, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);

    According to the wiki (assuming I'm reading it right) a GRAVITY_MULTIPLIER of 0.0 will cause the object to ignore gravity, a RESTITUTION of 1.0 will have a (mostly) complete conservation of energy through collisions (and thus keep the speed constant), and FRICTION of 0.0... ah I'm guessing here but I think that will make it ignore friction.

    It should be noted that with a Restitution of 1.0, the projectile will still lose some energy to the other object it collided with because that object's restitution likely won't be explicitly set to 1.0. And even it it was, there is a dampening effect on the physics engine so collisions between two restitution 1.0 objects isn't perfectly elastic. Rolig's code could definitely help overcome this aspect.

    Another alternative is to not rely on the physics engine at all and instead use a combination of key framed movement and ray casting to manually calculate the reflected directions. That would give you the most control over the projectile's path.

    Interesting response also. I will have a play around between your suggestions and Rolligs :). Thanks!

  14. 3 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

    The physics engine automatically applies a pseudofriction to moving objects in SL, so your projectile won't naturally maintain a constant speed.  If you want to keep your projectile moving at the same speed, you'll have to keep updating it periodically.  You might do that in a timer, or maybe with a function that's triggered in a collision_start event:

    float speed_correction(vector vCurrentV)
        float fCurrent_speed = llVecMag( vCurrentV );
        return fOld_speed / fCurrent_speed;
        fOld_speed = fCurrent_speed;

    Then just feed the function llGetVel and use the result as a scaling factor to readjust your object's velocity:

    llSetVelocity( llGetVel() * speed_correction( llGetVel() );

    Perfect Rollig exactly what I was after. Thank you I appreciate it

  15. Hey!. So firstly I made this image to describe what I need help with :


    Okay so. I want to shoot object A and I want object A once it collides with a wall, object, avatar etc to propel itself along itopposing angle I guess. I'm not sure how to describe this.

    I know that if I reverse the velocity it will propel the object back on itself but i'm not sure what I need to do with the velocity calculation to get the object to propel itself along its opposing angle. I know that if you fire an object it will sorta do this by itself but I specifically need the object to maintain a set speed whilst doing it and not veer off randomly no matter what it hits. I know the functions I need to use I am just not sure on the velocity calculation. Would you one you knowledgeable people be kind enough to help me with this?

  16. 35 minutes ago, steph Arnott said:

    That issue has zero to do with the 32bit Firestorm or the LL official veiwer.

    It doesn't state 32bit it states 64bit on the Jira, it also states its Firestorm only. Lastly it could very well have something to do with it, if there are those of us experiencing a similar issue and as of late theres issues with the bridge script not being set to running also it logically concludes that there MIGHT be a connection. Note the word MIGHT. 

    • Thanks 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

    I have noticed some delays when generally editing whilst in a premium sandbox: when I highlight an object, edit it, then close the edit floater, the highlighting remains for several seconds. I have also noticed a delay when dropping a script into a prim to do tasks like replacing the plywood and blanks with my own textures, the start time for the script is long enough for me to sometimes think the script is in a stopped state. I looked at the ping sim time but it was no different to island where I rent a parcel, so it isn't internet delays. I also hadn't noticed this issue anywhere else. However, I don't know if the premium sandboxes are effectively isolated mainland or private islands, and I would also expect this sort of behaviour in places like sandboxes where there is a lot of editing and updating going on.


    Maybe the next restarts will cure the problem?

    Possibly, its been going on for two months at least now though. Will have to see after the next restart. Maybe it is specific types of sims though. I will have to do some more tests and see if it only happens on certain release channels / simulator versions..not too sure if that would be too much of a thing but I do remember some issues in the past in SL being specific to it being on either Magnum, Le Tigre, Bluesteel etc

  18. 16 hours ago, Whirly Fizzle said:

    I had this happen on one of my accounts on Aditi.
    Here is the JIRA issue I filed: BUG-225122 - [Aditi] Inventory issues on Aditi only: Lots of inventory moved into Lost & Found, "You cannot remove protected categories" message every login, bad inventory requests for "Cannot change parent_id"

    My Aditi inventory was busted on that account (probably with a bad sync over).
    If I were you, I'd contact LL support or maybe even go straight to a JIRA issue, to get your inventory checked & hopefully fixed.

    Thanks for the response, iv submitted a ticket. Hopefully they can fix the issue for me :)

    • Like 2
  19. Im confused why anyone would hate the original post. I see nothing wrong with it. Someone care to explain?. I come from a stand point of be who you want be, do what you want do, so long as you don't hurt anyone then il accept you.....what exactly did they say wrong that might have caused them to receive negativity for their post.

    • Like 2
  20. 1 hour ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

    As for me, I have noticed something similar, where I would create a new script and then immediately open it in-viewer and click the "open in external editor" button. Two things happen; when the script is opened, it is still set to "not running," and opening it externally saves the script which keeps it in the "not running" state. If I were to wait and reopen the script instead, it would be set to running and function normally.

    I always brushed this off as mainland lag though. It's probably not even the same thing as this happens before "Hello, Avatar!"

    Might be might not be. We had it happen on mainland but its also happening on private sims as well. It's only been in the last two months, before that everything worked perfectly. Curious what could be causing it to happen,do you think it would be worth submitting a ticket of some kind? or a Jira?.

  21. It seems that as of the last couple of months there now appears to be some kind of delay when it comes to creating scripts, saving scripts and scripts running their initial state_entry and messages being sent, processed and received. This isn't something only I have noticed but two of my scripter friends also. It doesn't matter what region we are on either.

    For example if we create a new prim, then create a new script, usually the script would appear and "Hello Avatar" would be output in local. Now however the script is created and there is a short delay of a few seconds before the script is set to running and state_entry fires. If you take the object before this short few second delay the script is set to not running and not mono when you re rez it.

    Saving a script used to save and then instantly run whatever it had coded inside of it where as now there is also a delay of up to a few seconds between saving and running the code. And I don't mean the usual delay where you are waiting for it to save. This is after.

    Overall we have noticed that scripts also seem more sluggish with messages output over channels feeling like they are taking longer than we are used to, to get from point A to point B. 

    We have tested this in multiple sims, empty sims, reset sims, each of us have our own separate net connection, different viewers. Result is always the same.

    Has anyone else noticed this?.

  22. 5 minutes ago, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

    Just sliding sideways a bit, it's rather amusing to see a debate about states resulting in people getting into states. Not looking at anybody in particular, just saying :)

    😂 That is specifically what I was trying to avoid. I guess its not meant to be in this part of the forum as of late. 

  23. 24 minutes ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

    And just to echo what others have already said, I don't find states very useful beyond disabling touch and clearing listens. Fragmenting the logic of a script into multiple pieces is something I would want to avoid as much as possible, to keep the script easy to maintain for myself and whoever else might look at it.

    Im definitely on your side of the fence on this. My personal preference is to keep everything contained into a single state as I find the flow of logic easier to manage but maybe thats just because iv been doing it for such a long time that it became second nature. Clearing out the event buffer is an interesting use though as stated earlier. I knew that all listens, variables etc were cleared from one state to the next but I never thought to use them specifically for mass clearing.

    But this is part of the reason why I started this discussion. I seldom found reasons to actually need to use states and I was a little curious as to what reasons other people would come up with to see if it really was worth abandoning them entirely or whether they could have their uses under certain circumstances. Its interesting when we are able to have these discussions because whilst I will probably not ever really use states all that often, I have still discovered ways that I never thought of before for using states to achieve specifically useful results.

    Thanks for you for taking the time to input into this though it was greatly appreciated.

    • Like 2
  24. 53 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

    States can be handy as a way to isolate one set of operations from others.  While that may not make a script more compact, it can make it easier to manage conceptually.  It can also give you functional modules that can be lifted out and plugged almost verbatim into other scripts -- a timesaver if you do a lot of scripting.

    I will often use the default state as a place for assigning initial values, building internal lists of important links, reading configuration data from notecards or KVP, and whatnot.  Those sorts of things need only be done once, so it's handy to put them in a state that will only be executed when the script resets.

    If I am creating a vendor system, I will often use one state to handle the way a user browses through products and then put functions related to money in a second state.  The two sets of operations are best kept separate anyway, so that there's no confusion about what the buyer is paying for.  Although I could easily code everything in a single state, a modular approach forces me to be sure that product selection (with any options about size, color, delivery method, etc) is complete before a money event is available for the buyer.

    I could come up with plenty of other examples.  The bottom line for me is making a script clean and easy for me to follow when I come back to it months later or when I am trying to debug some strange behavior.  I don't want to have to chase all over a long script to remind myself of the flow of logic.  If I can isolate my later questions to a single modular state, I am much happier.

    Neat!. Thanks for the input Rollig, very interesting. I usually just contained it all into the same state, mostly due to personal preference, but I can see how it would make it easier to debug in the long run if you had your various functioned sectioned off in a modular fashion. I did used to use states at one point but the more I coded over the years the less I started using them as I found other ways to do things that seemed to be less taxing memory in some of the larger scripts I was writing than having a whole extra state included and I guess that followed me through into other areas of coding. Thank you though for responding!

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