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  1. This really is an interesting topic, and it is good to see some solid answers on the definition of what an adult playing a minor means and it truly is like walking a fine line when it comes to defining sexual age play in reference to a story as opposed to in reference to someone simply attempting to relive their childhood. The biggest problem, however, that I am finding in running a mature SIM that allows both teen and child avatars played by adults is a level of vague paranoia and speculation about what the ToS actually says and how a "minor" is defined, or in this case, not defined, and what sexual age-play actually is. I feel like in the setting of a group of writers coming together to tell an engaging story it creates a level of fear that would not otherwise be there if there were clearer definitions. And that fear can lead to finger pointing, accusations and discrimination against entire groups of players in SL, who are for all intensive purposes adults behind their screens. (Not actual rl teens as they are not allowed on moderate regions). In my experience people tend to have a whole range of ideas about sexual age-play, some considering it to be only sex on pose balls between an adult and a minor, while others consider it to be even the mention of anything sexual in casual conversation around and adult playing a minor avatar, and still others consider it to branch into anything even remotely adult being hinted at in the presence of a child avatar who is played by an adult. People are actually afraid to play with teenaged avatars in any capacity because of this. Personally I think that takes away a great many things from a SIM based on story or RP in any setting as our teenage years are the years that help define us. From the perspective of a writer and avid reader I couldn't imagine putting a moratorium on discussing teenagers and teenaged problems in literature or even on stage in a realistic manner. It inspires people to consider different perspectives and to gain a greater understanding of not only the teens in their real lives but themselves as teenagers and who they have become since then. Asking questions digging deeper pushing people to understand or consider perspectives outside of their own is the very nature of story telling. And in SL you have a unique opportunity to tell a story with whole group of people that changes and becomes something you never anticipated. Art, particularly art portraying life, is full of grey areas. I do understand that and I also understand that there is always a fine line both legally and morally when it comes to creating these definitions in a community. But I think if things like witch hunts, where players start accusing other players of violating the ToS by playing an 18 year old that isn't quite mature enough by their standards, or people avoiding anyone who might be considered not as mature looking or seeming then they want them to be (ie women playing cross dressers who don't have a significant amount of cleavage and are less stereotypically female, or men playing more gender neutral characters that can be perceived visually as less muscular or less stereotypically male) could be avoided if we have clearer more conscise definitions. In my expirience the current idea of minors and age play interestingly enough is also branching off to isolate people who do not want to play traditional gender roles and is actually creating a stigma for them as well. Perhaps it is because so much of how we define gender is based on appearance in much the same well the ToS currently defines age, as looking or acting "mature" without really saying what mature is. This is just some food for thought and something to consider in general I suppose, not specifically a question, unless someone of course is willing to define these things more acutely.
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