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Everything posted by Bzzzzzz

  1. Hi Thank you for the answer! That link is helpful and I also found someone who was able to help me! Thanks!
  2. Hi, I'm not sure if I posted this in the right place and I'm sorry if I didn't, but I'm new to SL and I need help with an RLV script. Basically I created a small flat prim and I need an RLV script to insert into it so that when my RLV enabled avatar walks on it, my prim disappears and rerezzes a bubble and traps me for a period of time and then the bubble will disappear after I am released. so there is no land impact. I have the bubble prim all set up that I pulled from a weapon I purchased, but the bubble script which is also RLV activated is No Modify, so I can't look at the script to see how it works. The only thing I need is an RLV script that when my RLV wearing avatar collides with it by walking on my flat prim, It causes my prim to disappear and rezzes the bubble in its place. I'm sorry if this is confusing and I will try to give more info if needed. Thank you to anyone that can help! :manhappy:
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