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Belite Swords

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Everything posted by Belite Swords

  1. Now it is a couple of years away. But it will not stay years away. Time marches on. Yes, and all things come to an end at some point. Let's try to look at it with an open mind.
  2. MB Robonaught wrote: I wonder how many actually heard what Ebbe Linden was saying. Day after day I listen to people whine that this or that isn't working or that Linden Labs is so evil for not letting on what their intentions are and do not listen to the customers. Now that they are saying that there is a need to fix things and be open about it, people panic and only see what they want to see. Second Life is running on a platform created over a decade ago and has been patched god knows how many times. The language and data structure of the Second life structure is overloaded with internal conflicts from patching it and is also obsolete. It was great when XP was first coming out and everyone was excited over a Pentium 2 computer. If one were to really listen to what he was saying the only way to make Second Life better is to start from scratch and create it in a modern fashion and structure. He also stated that keeping it closed source and not allowing inventory imports would not be allowed in the interim. He did not say it would always be so and how things went would be the determining factors. Part of what the current issues with our Second Life is some of the junk left over in inventories from years ago that do nothing but cause lag. The days are long gone where one needed a 250 prim hat with a 1000 poorly written scripts in it. Until there is a way found to weed out the junk they may need to limit what can be imported or a way to handle the old junk. We all whined and complained over the years that Linden Labs was not doing anything and what they did do was totally wrong and never listened to us. Everyone is acting like Second Life will end tomorrow.....it won't. It'll take at least 3 years to have the new project viable in which most of that time will be devoted to which methods work best. Just remember we bitched and now they are saying “we hear you and we are going to fix it” LL makes millions of dollars a month on land tier alone. No one is going to just 'give' that up to develop something unproven. I totally agree with you, I want to see a new platform that runs more efficiently, has more options, so on-so forth. From a business stand point, it makes no sense to just close SL, and I really wish some of the posters on this thread would get a grip on reality. Monthly Tier Estimates - Private Estates c.US$3.857 Million, Mainland c.US$0.871 Million This number alone is why LL won't shut down SL immediately. We all have called them greedy, so why on earth would you(the naysayers in this post) think that it'd be any different now? Furthermore, stop with the dramatic posts about how it's the end of SL and any moment they could close. I don't wear half of my inventory a year after I buy it anyway.
  3. I fall into the group one category, and will broach this subject from a consumer's standpoint. (Several of the commentators that have posted are people that I've made purchases from in the past, on this name or my 2 others over my 8+ years in SL) Also, I'll share a couple links to data to support what I'm saying. First, take a look at these two sites: http://gridsurvey.com/lindex.php http://dwellonit.taterunino.net/sl-statistical-charts/ Anyways, I find them helpful, rather than worrying about something that right now is just words. More sepcifically, I'd like to point out this tidbit of information: Monthly Tier Estimates - Private Estates c.US$3.857 Million, Mainland c.US$0.871 MillionThat's just land, of course, but my logic is this, LL has no other cash cow (and we certainly are it's golden goose). They can not afford to let SL close immediately, nor have they mentioned it closing within a timeframe that I think would push me not to make purchases In world. To be honest, as a consumer, I put in about 100 USD a month into SL, sometimes more, it depends on my spending habits. I'm not going to stop buying things for an event that is years away, and certainly not for something untested and unproven. LL will continue to support SL because it has to-until it becomes an expendable venture. Therefore, I'm comfortable with the thousands of RL dollars I put into this game 99.9% of that goes directly to the creators (my tiny spit of land only costs $8 USD a month, and I have a premium membership, so whatever that is). In two years, I won't wear what I have in my inventory now (most likely) anyway, so why should I suffer at the present? So content creators, please don't worry so much, and keep making beautiful things. There might be an initial backlash, but once we look at the other available choices, those doubters will be back, and as time passes, I'm sure your sales will increase. The ones that leave are the ones that likely didn't invest much in the first place. As for me, the time (years), hours (daily), friends (many) and most importantly to you, money (a lot!) is enough to keep me loyal for many years to come. Just my .02
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