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Everything posted by Ilsko

  1. seems my attempt to get few answers to that survey makes a lot of noise here. Unfortunately Ive been able to read comments in that survey topic before it was deleted, but Ive read whole 12 sites of this one. Seems that only few ppl here were able to look at that survey in neutral way, and Im thankful for that. I would also thank Phil for his statements in this topic. Seems that few days ago I should start with this, (that actually was said by Phil Deakins later) maybe then it could be different " I've said in this thread that the questions in yesterday's survey did appear to have a bias, or a pre-conceived idea about users and SL. I've also said that they weren't really biased because the answer options offered a range from 'Always' to 'Never' - the full spectrum. I've been thinking about the nature of the questions and I've come to the conclusion that someone could wonder IF SL has any negative impacts on users' RLs, and it's a very valid thing to wonder - and create a survey about. " Why Phil's statement is correct according to that surey? Answer is simple. If I, or other ppl who are trying to do surveys in SL would be sure that you ALL are ADDICTED, and SL is devastating your RL we wont be doing that. We would just write about that, nothing more nothing else. But we dont know how big influence SL has to RL. Thats way we are trying to ask you, users and ppl that participate in SL. Especially in my country where its almost nothing new, interesting in books about SL. I know that survey was basic, and wasnt amazing or great. Buy for me it wasnt offensive or shaming. And if you think that I would use that results to do some "nasty" things or to mock about you and SL you really should think a while. I dont need to ask you to fulfill survey to write offensive article/thesis or other things about you and SL. Im just simple student. Open minded person, and kind one for others. I used this basic survey, because it contains most important features of RL that can be affected by SL. So why should I not use this one? Yes I could modify it harder, use other words, but in overall it would give me same answers. And we all know that there are more interesting things to do then write same question in other words. Its quite pointless work. I dont want to say that all ppl here are like this but seems that a lot of SL users have problems to just BELIEVE, and TRUST to other ppl, especially from outside. We are all humans and we all apart from VR life in Rworld so we should think how we will survive next few decades, how we can provide peace, welfare to our next generations if we dont have basic trust to ppl that we just met, and are new in our community. We lives in democratic countries, so we should have some kind of trust to each others, its quite basic rule of democracy. I remember time when SL was brought to life, when it was growing, when ppl were astonished about it, when first ppl get real money form it. Of course in my country it wasnt so popular, and its still not. But what have happend now? When the times come that we can say that only the strongest survived, and new ones after 1 or 2 months are vanishing. Have any of you ever think about that? Maybe because SL became a elite VR, where all new comers are treated in unpleasant way or just arent allow to fit here. One of SL users (Lexia Moonstone) wrote in this topic : "I've all ways wondered how many surveys in LS have ended up being abandoned or came to the conclusion that people in SL are rude, and because of the negative responses how many people doing surveys ever come back to SL. People doing RL education and surveys in SL is a great way to get them over the never logging in a second time thing that happens with some many new people in SL. May be there would be more people in SL if we welcomed them instead of posting lots of negative comments." And I will agree with that in 100%. As all we know, to most important in new relationships is first impression. So after when I appeared here, read what you wrote what can say about SL community? For sure lot. I dont mind to read a lot of criticism, but only when its constructive. Unfortunately, as I said I wasnt be able to read all comments in that deleted thread. So if there were some constructive posts with criticism Im really sad that I couldnt read them and answer. And yes, English is my second language, thats way Im making some mistakes. And Im not afraid about that. Human thing is to make mistakes. I choose ENG forum to post that survey because its most active one. Apart from that SL was created in US, so it was natural to ask SL "home" users about that. One more thing. Its really hard to include all thoughts and answers to all post in this topic, but Im trying Im studing social science (specialization social politic and social work) thats way that survey looked like it looked, thats way I was trying to ask you about that stuff. As some of you can know. Topic of thesis and field of study leaves you a narrow path to maneuver. I wanted to write about Virtual reality in our lives, how it influence our life, and so on, but unfortunately I was forced to make it more matched, close to social politic, and in overall to social problems and my field of studies. And i have this. But its only statement, hypothesis that SL or virtual reality can have bad influence on our RL. As we all know, hypothesis are sometimes wrong, sometimes accurate, and this survey, maybe to basic, maybe in some way to offensive (but really I cant see in witch part. even for me virtual realty user it wasnt offencive at all), maybe "does not apply" was wrong choice, should be able to confirm or overthrow that hypothesis. I was trying to ask you, so it means that I didnt have any stereotypes about you at all. As a young person i'm approaching to anyone that I see first time as open minded human. I dont believe in stereotypes and i dont look at new met ppl through them. Have a good day or night. Cheers
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