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Everything posted by thescarletwytch

  1. made a new account 2 days ago and ive been upset because i cant edit my profile. all i keep getting is an error message. im also not the only one that is having this issue....so is 50 million of your customers....is this going to get fixed or we going to have to wait forever for this to be fixed?? error message below: We're sorry, but something went wrong Please try again in a few minutes. If you continue to receive this message please use the options under the viewer's "Help" menu or visit Second Life Support. Go to my.secondlife.com
  2. i cant edit it inworld nor out world at all. this is been like this since i created the account. it would be nice if they would fix this immediately because i would like to change my display name instead of looking at my username.
  3. made a new account earlier today and all day ive been upset because i cant edit my profile. all i keep getting is an error message. im also not the only one that is having this issue....so is 50 million of your customers....is this going to get fixed or we going to have to way forever for this to be fixed?? error message read this below: We're sorry, but something went wrong Please try again in a few minutes. If you continue to receive this message please use the options under the viewer's "Help" menu or visit Second Life Support. Go to my.secondlife.com
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