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Posts posted by Millionaires

  1. I have never in my life actually pirated something, I buy all my games at EBGames and all my music at iTunes/in-store.

    Quit your assumptions, I asked if the outfit was avaliable to use, am I using it? No.



    Thank you for actually being kind and making your post like a mature human being. :)!

  2. Alright, hi guys. :)


    I have an issue with my avatars butt, now before I continue I will be posting a picture, so if you don't want to see a low-quality picture of a males butt then please don't click it. I'm just warning you now. (Yes I have tried increasing quality to see if it goes away).


    I bought the shape from Emilia; and yes I have contacted her about it and I'm not sure if she got my IM's due to her being flooded by others and I would rather not harass her! So I took it upon myself to try and fix it but having no luck, you guys are pretty smart in the sense that you may know a fix!


    My male has a slight gap in his butt, like a full gap and the sad part is underwear follows the lines and goes though the but and it just looks weird, it's something that drives me crazy because I cannot be naked around people or wear low hanging underwear else they can see it!

    Picture (Note it contains a butt)



    The butt is a good size, I just don't know how to fix that gap :(

  3. Jesus, we're going in circles, all 4 or 5 of you are deadset on the fact I want to steal it. All I wanted to do is see if one was in the game as I couldn't find one. It'll take me a total of about 5 minutes to log into FF: ARR, find one of the many Square-Enix employees I have added as friends and then ask them if it's cool to use her in Second Life, while I may speeding up the process that's all I'd need to do, maybe send an email and sign a contract that I wont re-sell it or whatever.


    But instead you guys insist I'm dead-set on stealing the clothing and committing some kind of copyright infringement, then whenever I say the people may have permission to sell her outfit you ignore that and go right back to accusing me of stealing. If you guys where as helpful as someone else who sent me an IM in-game with a link to her hair and gave me some quick Marketplace search tips then this would have already been solved, but you all crammed your noses in and acted like you're some kind of perfect human being, then downgraded me for wanting to try and see if the outfit was on the Marketplace or not. This is the exact reason I hate forums, full of snobs.



    I'm not wrong, it's an unofficial rule on most if not all forums. If you're asked to leave/stop commenting you do. That's called being mature and not acting like a 11 year old. With your title of helper I would have hoped you'd be an adult and know when your opinion is and isn't welcome. You have done nothing helpful on this thread besides spew accusations, putting your words like I'm an idiot and just being a nuisance. I stated what  I wanted, you took that and called me a thief, then wrong. And don't get me started on the guy who corrected my spelling, didn't realize this was school.


    I asked you to leave and come back when you felt like being mature and actually helping instead of pointing fingers at me, everyone has came and pointed a finger at me for asking about an outfit. When you and Drake can freely put down and accuse with no repercussions? I don't think so buddy.


    Again, for the goddamn fourth time! Who says the maker of her costume doesn't have consent to make and sell it? What if he/she is allowed to, Jesus. Quit making assumptions, because it's annoying, read my posts instead of skimming then copy and pasting the same thing. You're meant to be a Helper, but you are far from helpful. I have low hope for other staff members if you act like this.

  4. Slightly, as you're calling me out on something that I know. How is it not legal? I simply asked if someone could help me find a set of her outfit etc. and apparently I'm stealing, well goddamn! Sorry for asking for help, on the matter.



    Nothing I said was rude, if you read what I said as rude then that's not my issue, they stated their point and I stated mine, yet I was rude when they started it by treating me like I'm 8.



    "I realize people would breach copyright by remaking her, but I cannot see the issue with it."

    I explained this, simply because half the stuff in this game is ripped from something, then they said they may have permission. So why doesn't this apply to this scenario? I don't see why you guys are so stuck up about it, I asked for help on finding the outfits, not stealing them.



    I don't pirate movies, nor do I pirate at all, not sure about your country but Australia is pretty hard on it.



    People probably have this kind of attitude when people come into their thread and throw out accusations. I also didn't call anyone a hater, I just don't understand why they came here called me a thief then why why I'm slightly annoyed that they called me one.



    Not really, but I have dealt with Square-Enix before, they're actually really good in that department, in fact they encourage fanart/creations to be made.



    How would you like it if people came on your thread and called you a thief and a pirate? All I asked for was helping finding the outfit. Instead some troll and 'helper' comes in and throws out accusations, I'm sorry but that's just rude in its own sense.


    Then to add to the joke they proceeded to say others may have claims saying they can, I'm sorry but what, what if the maker of the outfit has the same permission to make it and distribute it. If anyone is the troll or whatever on this thread its them two.



    You're incorrect, you're missing half of the forum etiquette. This may be a public forum but it doesn't give you full right to post anywhere you want, if someone asked you to not post on their thread, the respectful thing to do is not post on it.

    Every single one of your posts has been worded rudely, like making me to be the bad guy for searching for the outfit. All I wanted to know if it was in the market, not if it was illegal. >.>

  5. Sorry, but none of them were helpful at all, I got someone calling me bad and another trying to correct my spelling.




    Yes, spelling it wrong. What a joke.

    So wait, where was this when I first made the thread? What if the outfit I buy, the maker has gotten permission. Learn your place, kiddo.

    I didn't ask for stolen content, I asked for helping finding the outfit, are you that daft?

    asujhbdj sadb sajdsa -- spellcheck OP, clearly failed. Lmao.



    And the one person I thought had a brain has decided to team up with Drake, go figures.

    Yes, let's just hyperbole the situation and use some pathetic analogy like "what if everyone did this, would you do it to." simply because I have no decent argument.


    What is with you guys contradicting yourself? What if someone actually has permission to make it, plus Square doesn't care if people remake her, free publicity.


    But.. but I was using hyperboles like you guys, I just wanted to be an e-thug on the SL forums! PLEASE MUMMY LET ME.


    Refer above.


    Now if you two want to grow up and post back on my thread when you act like you're out of kindergarten and actually have a brain & use it, you're welcome to, but if you're not going to contribute, stay off. You're a helper, but you you don't help at all, instead you act like a child, what a forum. Truly amazing.

  6. I'm just going to type everything in one reply. So let's hope their isn't some kinda limit.

    Hey, Amethyst Jetaime! I realize that it breaches the copyright law, but Square-Enix isn't going to charge in and start throwing around lawsuits; if that's the case then 90% of the marketplace is going to be sued as everything in that is ripped from something.


    @Ohjiro Watanabe

    It wasn't a case of giving up easily, I have searched for awhile. And yes, I have done extensive searching on that subject.


    @Drake1 Nightfire

    It's not stealing.. as I said to Amethyst; everything in the MP essentially breaks this rule anyway, heck even this game does by providing music, movies and such. So don't wave that at me, when its not just this situation, this own game is pretty much stealing.


    @Drake1 Nightfire -- again..

    Just so you know, you should use the edit feature, it'll make you look less like a child when making a post, it was clearly a typo, yes I made it twice, it was 1 key and spellcheck is disabled on the forum, so I didn't think to proof-read my post. Would you move on and start acting mature? Thanks.

  7. Sorry for the abrupt title. However that's how I feel searching the Marketplace!


    I finally convinced my friend to join in, we're both huge Final Fantasy nuts and then it hit me, why not meet him as Lightening! He'll love that. Thus my quest to find her started and it has been met with dead-ends every single time, I realize people would breach copyright by remaking her, but I cannot see the issue with it.


    So I need your help, having a few other looks would be helpful! I need her gunblade (sword), outfit, skin, shape and hair. I know this is a lot to find, but it's also hard for me to find it because searching 'Lightening' in the Market brings up so much irrelevant searches.


    Any help is appreciated x

  8. Hello, I have recently stumbled into the issue of not being able to find quality casual clothes or clothes that tickle my fancy! You see, I can do females -- I cannot do males as I'm to fussy with them I know the direct of every female I have made in games.. I avoid males for the reasons that things are so limited!

    I'm currently searching for a range of clubbing and casual attire! I have the skin, shape and hair already, it's just clothes. Price isn't really a concern, as if I like it I will buy it, however I am not paying $700 for a shirt. Lol. If you want can you guys post some links below, I'm on my phone and searching is dreadful.

    Thank you x

    Edit: Oh, before I forget, I'm dressing a male.

  9. I've had some issues buying L$ from the official store, I have used a re-seller! Which has worked out great, now I really want Premium for a free house and such! Plus the 300L$ weekly looks great. Is it possible to buy L$ with another method besides PayPal, this thought slipped my mind: If I buy L$ via a re-seller, can I then sell them and be credited via my balance or will the money go straight to my PayPal? -- Because this could be a good way for me to buy Premium!


    I'm also not sure how to reply in this, so yeah.. if someone could help me with that as I cannot reply to my own help post, and that seems silly! Thanks for the help in advance.


    Edit: @Rolig Loon

    Hello! I have indeed added my information to the system whoever I cannot actually buy, it gives me an error that it cannot charge my payment or something, I have done everything correct. :/

  10. Decided to give this a little update.


    Hello, I'm Millionaires. However, you can call me Sean. I'm a male and from Australia. I'm interested in meeting heaps of new people, potential friends and maybe someone special (but that's a big leap). I can lighten my mood with my very bad jokes and awkwardness, but admit it, you love it. I wont add everything as I want you to ask me questions and add me in-game, I share the same name there. :)


    Music and video games are my life, aside from this I love cats and my favourite colour is purple. I'm not very social, however this is a chance for me to be, so I'm exploring clubs and dancing etc things I'd never do in real lie. :p I'd love to do them with others though.

  11. I've tried everything and it just wont work. :/ I have the money in USD, I have it all set up etc.. it just will not work.

    Oops, should add some information!


    I'm trying to pay via PayPal, my PayPal is verified and has the correct amount of money in it, it's set up just like the guide says. I have tried to buy it via in-game & the web, neither works. I'd really like some new clothes :/

  12. Hello, I have recently picked up the game after being forced by a friend, I've played for about uhh, 20 minutes in this time I've used 300MB and haven't really done much but watch as I try to move then walk through walls and get rubber banded back to where I was.


    I'm from Aussie and have a download cap is there something I can do to kinda cut down on the data usage and maybe find a server closer to home?

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