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Zane Veliz

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Everything posted by Zane Veliz

  1. Was given answer, thank you
  2. Missing friend on my friendslist on the website, but in game they are still in my list how to fix?
  3. Please help me, I have a scavenger hunt event this weekend and this script is not giving the prize for answering the correct answer. I have zero scripting skills so please make it scripting for DUMMIES if you can help. Can someone please help? list buttons = ["Humans", "Assamite", "Governor", "Zane"]; string dialogInfo = "\nWho are the judges of Caine's children of Abel?"; key ToucherID; integer dialogChannel; integer listenHandle; // copy and paste for the resuls section for wrong answers // llWhisper(0, "The RiddleBunny smashes your easteregg overtop your head and tells you to try again."); //for correct answer: // llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(0), OBJECTNAME); default { state_entry() { dialogChannel = -1 - (integer)("0x" + llGetSubString( (string)llGetKey(), -7, -1) ); } touch_start(integer num_detected) { ToucherID = llDetectedKey(0); llListenRemove(listenHandle); listenHandle = llListen(dialogChannel, "", ToucherID, ""); llDialog(ToucherID, dialogInfo, buttons, dialogChannel); llSetTimerEvent(60.0); // Here we set a time limit for responses } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if (message == "-") { llDialog(ToucherID, dialogInfo, buttons, dialogChannel); return; } llListenRemove(listenHandle); // stop timer since the menu was clicked llSetTimerEvent(0); if (message == "Humans") { llWhisper(0, "The RiddleBunny smashes your easteregg overtop your head and tells you to try again."); return; } if (message == "Assamite") { llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(0), "zv egg"); } else if (message == "Governor") { llWhisper(0, "The RiddleBunny smashes your easteregg overtop your head and tells you to try again."); } else { llWhisper(0, "The RiddleBunny smashes your easteregg overtop your head and tells you to try again."); } } timer() { // stop timer llSetTimerEvent(0); llListenRemove(listenHandle); llWhisper(0, "Sorry. You snooze; you lose."); } }
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