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Everything posted by RyanRyder

  1. Flash TV (FTV) is looking for vendors/retailers/business owners who are in need of that extra push to further their business. If you are considering the possibility of a commercial or infomercial for your business please contact me today to set up a meeting to discuss your needs! RyanRyder Resident
  2. Flash TV (FTV) is looking for you! If you have an idea for a tv show or movie get in contact with me today to schedule a meeting to discuss your needs! RyanRyder Resident
  3. Good morning one and all, I am developing a new musical and I am seeking a composer that loves the theatre, all genres of music, and is looking for some great exposure. If you would like more information, or would like to volunteer please contact me, RyanRyder Resident directly.
  4. Do you need advice about Love, sex, dating, or relationships ? Submit your questions today in world via note card with the subject "Love Matters" to me RyanRyder Resident or you can e-mail our panel at LoveMattersTV@aol.com Make sure to tune into our first broadcast May 9th at http://lovematterstv.webs.com/
  5. "Love Matters" is seeking a venue to call home. Our new relationship advice show will feature a panel of three or four people who will give their advice to viewers questions regarding sex, love, relationships, dating and more. We are looking for an adult venue to allow us to come in once a week to film our show in front of a small live audience. If you feel as though this is something you would be interested in doing please contact me, RyanRyder Resident in world today.
  6. Good day, I am seeking on-air personalities for the new advice show I am developing "Love Matters" .. I am looking for three to four people to get involved as our panel. The panel will answer and discuss questions sent in by our viewers, ranging in topics from sex and love to dating and relationships. To get involved you must have an out going personality, be charasmatic, and have an excellent voice. We are also hoping our personalities have a great shape and skin, but if not we may be able to help with that. If you're interested in auditioning please drop me a note card asap and we will discuss everything further!
  7. I am seeking on-air personalities willing to give their opinions on love, dating, sex, and relationships for the new show Love Matters. If you feel you are out going, charasmatic, and have an excellent speaking voice please drop me a note card today to get involved with this brand new show!
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