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Everything posted by Fruttipebbles

  1. Got it all squared away, skybox fit and was allowed in the skydome
  2. It is already built, and for purchase on the MP I was just wondering if it was possible. Thanks
  3. Hey all, I'm still a little new to SL so I'm not sure how this might work. Currently I rent a skydome from Bella Pointe. I found a skybox that I love! I was wondering if I'm able to put a skybox within my skydome? I checked the rental information and it said as long as whatever we rezzed was residental on the property it was fine. My question is logistically if this possible or will they not work together? Thanks!
  4. Thanks! I'll try using the search and see what I find
  5. Hi all, I just joined Second Life 4 days ago and I haven't seen many people around. Am I missing something? I thought this game would be stacked with people on all hours but I don't see more than 5 people in a place at once usually. I've gone to a lot of the Destination Guide's suggestions but when I go there's usually no one (or less than 3 people there). Is there a way to see where people are congregating in game? Or does anyone know any places that usually have a lot people. I feel like I'm not using the map correctly or something. I mainly got in this game to dress up my avatar and make virtual friends to chat with. Hope this question isn't too annoying :)
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