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Everything posted by Sam4more

  1. Well I did get a response from LL support. Basically they told me to bring this up directly with the store owner....which I have already been trying to do. This store owner is MIA, and we are left as victims with no recourse.
  2. Thanks for the investigative work Karen. This is concerning news. I've submitted a ticket to Linden Labs about the situation, though I am unsure what help they might be able to lend us here.
  3. I just spent 4500 lindens on one of their dance huds, and it worked for just a couple days before going down.... I am in the same boat as you. I can not bring up the dialogue box to select a playlist, nor can I get their website to load. And the website has been down for many days now. I too would like some sort of explanation...their in world store still seems to be running and busy, they should not be allowed to contiune to profit on peddling broken merchandise.
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