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Alexia Whitefalcon

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Everything posted by Alexia Whitefalcon

  1. I'm US-based, so Comcast Xfinity, I've checked with my ISP, and they see no issues from their end, and I don't lose connection to anything other than being logged in. I have a wired connection to Router, and a wireless connection to a ISP provided hotspot, which is then directly wired into my PC. I've tried both wireless and wired connections. This issue only started for me a few months ago, no changes made to any software(that I know of) or any hardware.
  2. So I travel the grid often, and for some reason, sims will... vanish for me. I can see the map image on my minimap and the big map, but if I try to cross from the sim I'm on to the new one, I'll crash. It happens without fail, while others can cross with no problem. Sometimes, logging out and back in will fix it; sometimes, I'll log out and find that I can't log back in, especially if I crash on that crossing. Often it's not just the one sim, it'll be a handful of them, with no warning as to when or why the issue happens. My minimap will not show any parcels I know are there on the "down" sims; it won't even be outlined, and if I tilt my cam across the region border, there is nothing but a black abyss below the water line. I've asked private regions for the sims to be restarted, and when they do, it doesn't fix the issue; I'm seemingly the only one experiencing it, but it happens most on Linden Labs regions (mainland). Help? https://gyazo.com/8c3324bcb54e80f51740d9ba80255ac1 https://gyazo.com/5af9757e71f36c53dff9389965fd1026 https://gyazo.com/0b8ae29641e7ab7ea5a4859963d444d9 https://gyazo.com/37e62c8f4da1a1c9a4956179f4a3b458
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