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Posts posted by Iamme

  1. Ok well I've had the same issue.  My whole computer would shut down after being in game for roughtly 20 min.  It also happened when playing Guild Wars 2.  So don't fret it's not a SL thing nor is it any of the viewers. 

    I did extensive testing, and I can assure you it's not heat.  My comp runs between 47 and 52C. 

    I then thought maybe it was dirty.  cleaned the whole thing out top to bottom inside and out.  Still didn't fix it.

    Ran bios, registry cleaner, defraged, disk clean, and updated every single driver.....still no luck.


    The answer........the power supply.  I'm running a 750w PSU and it's being drained from the increased graphics demand due to improvements in graphics.  It could be my graphics card, however the specs on the card require only 600W and it runs any other game with no issues, even GW2 now that they fixed some issues.  I also have no problems watching movies or doing every day tasks. 

    Get a new power supply, I recommend anything above 800W.  I'm getting a 1020W next paycheck.  It is a cheaper option then upgrading your graphics card and I'll be happy to repost how it worked out around the 25th of this month.

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