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Posts posted by Flapman

  1. Hello all,

    I wanted to let you all know that I have posted Part 1 of the results discussion on my blog.  You may take a look at it at:


    I address the first 5 questions from the survey.  In order to keep the information manageable, I am breaking the discussion down into parts.  Feel free to leave comments and your thoughts about the information in the comments section.  I would love to hear what you think.

    Have a great weekend!


  2. Hi LilliBeth,

    You make some astute observations.  I can share that my own experiences with people SL is in line with a lot of what you have said.   People tend to be very guarded and secretive in SL however, I don't think that is the overall and typical dynamic.   There is also a popular view that many people in SL just as in the online dating arena, are married or in relationships in RL already.   Intersting that happens to be a popular belief.

    You mentioned the "bored" aspect of possible stay-at-home moms/dads., etc and the appeal of something like SL or FB.  I think the alure is there but I find it hard to beleive that many people would look to SL for virtual romantic trists.   I chuckle at that prospect though because in 2009 I read an article in the Wall Street Journal about broken marriages and relationships due to their maintained "second lives" in virtual worlds like Second Life.   I found it a very interesting article.  They showed several examples of virtual affairs that destroyed their real-life relationships.   However, like all media coverage there is another side to the story and most times the published story represents a few people and not the overall population.

    It is also interesting what you mentioned about Facebook.   The dynamic and model of social media is going to change though.  I always knew we would cross this point.  Social Media and Virtual World technoloy are at a crossroads.  SL and FB are just parts of this new frontier we will be entering into.  Now that FB owns Oculus Rift, you can bet we will see the evolution of social engagement as it moves into the next level...Interactive Virtual Environments on a grander scale.  You watch.  It is right around the corner.

    I am getting ready to start the prelaunch phase of another Postmoderna SL project.  It is based on a belief that SL is just an extension of RL for most people and the problems they have can be dealt with and counseled in SL just like in RL.   We will be starting a live talk show that deals with relationships in SL and virtual worlds and helping people through the challenges they have...giving them a sounding board to talk about them.   As I mentioned, this project is in the prelaunch phase and we will be doing another survey in the Relationships Forum to guage interest.  It should be interesting to see the results.

    Now back to the subject of this demographic survey....  I have also experienced some interesting aspects in SL that I will likely comment about when I am ready to do my assesment.  I have noticed some common denominators in SL that I did not address in the survey.   I have been exposed to a fair amount of people that are either disabled, ill, or unable to work. SL for the most part is "their life."   They run successful businesses or are actively engaged socially in SL because that keeps them sane, keeps them busy, keeps them happy.   There also is an interesting psychological aspect where many people seem broken to some degree.  It is the case in RL too for people over the age of 40 since we all have baggage and life experiences that mess us up to some degree.  I wonder though if there is something about the anonymous "we can be who we want to be in SL" aspect in SL and virtual worlds in general that amplifies this.  This would be an interesting thing to test at some point.

    Again thanks for your interest and support.  Stay tuned for the results.  I will be working on them in the weeks ahead.  I want to put some more survey terminals out in SL to gather more data.


  3. Hiya,

    Yes, it is rather interesting material.  I want to point out though that more than half of the respondents are prior to the push on the forums.   The percentages are holding true from before.   The mean age is definitely between 41 and 51.  I think that is because SL is really a more mature and adult virtual world.   Also, since a majority of the respondents have been in SL for >5 years, many of these people were 35+ when they started and are still in SL.    I find that to indicate maturity and localty to the genre of Virtual Worlds that SL represents.

    I think it will be interesting to see what other relationships exist when diving deeper into the data.  I am likely to continue to put my survey terminals in more places inworld to get more data.  :)

    Thanks again for your feedback and your support.


  4. Hi all,

    I wanted to update everyone about the status of the survey.   It is still going on since I only have 98 responses right now.  I need to get it up above 100 to have a reasonable margin of accuracy.    I will be okay with a 90% confidence level (the 100+ mark).  We are so close!!!

    As I shared peviously, the intent of the survey was to gather enough info about residents for use in modeling the demographic make-up of the Second Life Resident population.    I would like to be able to post the results in the next couple of weeks on my website. 

    You can find the Postmoderna SL Survey at:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/68RB2F7

    You can also look at the current results at:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-29GB53R/


    Thanks in advance,


    PS.  I am still giving away a copy of the brownstone to anyone that completes it.  You can use the link address at the end or the survey or wait for me to send it to you inworld.

    PSS.   If you could, also take the time to post a comment in this thread about how you think this kind of info could be valuable to SL Residents and Business Owners as well as how it could effectively be used.

  5. Hi all,

    I wanted to update everyone about the status of the survey.   It is still going on since I only have 85 responses right now.  I need to get it up above 100 to have a reasonable margin of accuracy.    I will be okay with a 90% confidence level (the 100+ mark).

    As I shared peviously, the intent of the survey was to gather enough info about residents for use in modeling the demographic make-up of the Second Life Resident population.    I would like to be able to post the results in the next couple of weeks on my website. 

    You can find the Postmoderna SL Survey at:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/68RB2F7

    Thanks in advance,


    PS.  I am still giving away a copy of the brownstone to anyone that completes it.  You can use the link address at the end or the survey or wait for me to send it to you inworld.


    PSS.   If you could, also take the time to post a comment in this thread about how you think this kind of info could be valuable to SL Residents and Business Owners as well as how it could effectively be used.

  6. HI there,

    Actually I can see that as huge benefit too.   I usually combine diffuse, normal and spec as one linked/synced set of textures.   To be able to switch between the images in the object library would be great.  Unfortunately, I know nothing about LSL scripting so would need a scripting wizard to help with that.


  7. Hello all,


    I am in the process of building some wall components and will have them mapped with 4 materials and 4 UV'd textures (creating a potential for 16 combinations).   I need something that will allow the user to change these textures via a changer.  I know there are quite a few options out there and wanted to see if anyone could recommend the best.

    Thanks in advance,


  8. Wow.   That is good stuff.   Thanks for posting and sharing.  I will use that in my report at the end of the survey (hopefully when I cross the 100 mark).  :)  May I credit you for the the info?  How did you encourage people to participate?

    Now what did you use in your exhibit to collect the data?  This will help me for using other methods for future research projects.

    Thanks in advance,


  9. Hi everyone,

    Thanks to those that have completed the survey the last couple days.   I am now up to 67 completed surveys.   I need to really get this number over 120 so I have a better chance of illustrating the population of SL Residents (with a 90% confidence level).   For anyone that does not know what that means, here is an illustration:

    If 65% of respondents answer they are Female then it can be assumed that the overall population is between the following:


    • At a 90%  confidence (approx 100-120 responses):  55%-75% are female (65% answered -- +/- 10%)
    • At a 95%  confidence (approx 400-450 responses):  60%-70% are female (65% answered -- +/- 5%)
    • Responses >1000 would be 99% confidence level and would be ideal!! 64%-66% (65% answered -- +/- 1%)

    Again, thanks for your help so far and remember!  I will be giving out a free full-sized copy of the Solara Designs Brownstone that was displayed at SL11B.  So let's blow the top off the number of completed surveys!


  10. Hi all,

    I hope everyone enjoyed the Second Life 11th Birthday Community Celebration.   I know I did.  The exhibits were great, the Hunt was fun to do with friends and the presentations and performances were equally entertaining.

    I had put up an exhibit myself for Postmoderna SL in Enchant.   I showcased a Brownstone Design that we made for the project.  We were also conducting a resident demographic study.  We gave away a copy of the 4-story Brownstone to anyone that completed the resident survey,

    The intent of the survey was to gather enough info about residents for use in modeling the demographic make-up of the Second Life Resident population.  Since I started the survey in April, I had not been able to get as many people I would have liked (through conventional and no-invasive means) to complete it.  I had hoped the SL11B would have been a large enough audience.  At the end of the event, I still only had 50 completes.   I need 100 in order to have a 10% margin of error and 400 for a 5% margin of error.

    I would still like to complete this project and your help would be greatly appreciated.   You can find the Postmoderna SL Survey at:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/68RB2F7

    Thanks in advance,


    PS.  I am still giving away a copy of the brownstone to anyone that completes it.  There will be a link at the end of the survey or you can get it.

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