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Everything posted by theseareletters

  1. I need a custom skin/shape. I have a refrence photo of what i want it to look like. If you are able to do this, I will obviously pay you for your service. You can message me inworld at: theseareletters OR you can message me on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009483080070 Thank you<3 -Eden
  2. Pretty sure I was clear and said skin, but yeah, I will for sure ask on another section.
  3. I've tried and misribly failed to make a skin that I want. I want my avatar to look like a specifc person, and I have some good photos to use as refrences or what not. Here is a link to her photos. https://www.google.com/search?q=johanna+herrstedt&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS649US649&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAWoVChMIy6mE69zPxwIVQoYNCh1jvA7Y&biw=1366&bih=643 If anyone is willing to help a girl out, i will reward you with lindens, I'm sorta desperate here here if you wouldn't tell. Mainly because I am so burnt out on trying, i rather just let someone else give it a go :D Any further questions just ask or message me Inworld : theseareletters or my sl facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009483080070 Thank you !!! <3
  4. The other day I got on this pose ball that ended up going away because it was just someone elses. The pose ball was this girl kissing the guy avitar and her hand was on his cheek. I fell inlove with it and i can't find it anywhere!
  5. I tried using a mesh head on my mesh body and the mesh head came with style mode, it's saying i am not wearing mesh when i know i am. Can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong?
  6. I downloaded [TheSkinnery] mesh head 'Judy'. I then, open up the product and it pops up this thing on my screen saying "Click to install" After i clicked it, it says that it's installed and to bring up style mode which should be located at the bottom of mt screen. Problem is.. it never poped up. It's no where, not even accesible in my inventory. I still have my items, it still says its installed, but i dont see it anywhere on my screen. Is there a way i can debug it some how or am i doing something completely wrong? PLEASE don't give me complicated answers, thank you!
  7. I downloaded [TheSkinnery] mesh head 'Judy'. I then, open up the product and it pops up this thing on my screen saying "Click to install" After i clicked it, it says that it's installed and to bring up style mode which should be located at the bottom of mt screen. Problem is.. it never poped up. It's no where, not even accesible in my inventory. I still have my items, it still says its installed, but i dont see it anywhere on my screen. Is there a way i can debug it some how or am i doing something completely wrong? PLEASE don't give me complicated answers, thank you!
  8. So when I bring up the search in SL it begins to load and then it turns grey. As well as when I use a SL TV or SL computer that is in my home it turns grey as well and wont stay playing or hardly loads. the little music Icon i click but it doesn't play anything so it quickly turns back off again. and the camera looking button next to it does the same thing, that is why I am so confused on what is going wrong BUT! it says my media plug-in has failed. I looked up ways to fix it and it says to disable firewall. I did that, and nothing happened... If anyone could help that would be great! oh and listing all the possible way besides one way would be great! I use firestorm viewer. Thank you! Eden <3
  9. I go to a place where voice is allowed, and everyone who talks there voices keep skipping where I only hear a few words out of the sentence. People have tried to help me but none of it has been sucsessful. I've made sure everything was enabled and turned up I've done all that I can think of. I thought maybe it was my computer but when I go to clubs and people are Djing I hear them clearly! I use firestorm viewer, if they helps with someone helping me out. If you can put all the steps on all the possible ways on how I can fix it that would be WONEERFUL! thank you <3 Eden.
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