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Kira Ragged

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  1. I own a club, I need the landing point to be fixed for guests but to allow staff to tp freely to private areas. I know there must be a setting or group permission for this because I can tp freely around the parcel as the owner but no one else seems to be able to. Can someone please tell me what this setting is? I've been through all the group permissions and I can't see any that seem like they would control this. I can't take off the fixed landing point... when I did that people tp'ing to my club from search were landing anywhere but inside the actual club. Please help!!!! Update, yes I did have a specific landing point marked when I allowed teleport anywhere and people were landing on my roof, or behind my club... all over the place but not in the club itself.. I messaged several of them and inquired how they got there and they told me that's where search sent them.
  2. We're a club and I need to be able to have the landing point forced for all non staff but be able to have my staff teleport freely to other private areas of my parcel like the dressing room. When i set a specific landing point in the about land noone can tp to other areas but me. I know there must be a group setting or permission for this since I can tp freely, but I can't find which one it is. When I take off the forced landing point I have problems with people who visit from search landing anywhere but the actual club, so I really can't do that. I just need my staff to be able to land directly backstage or in the dressing room.
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