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Brett Kenyon

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  1. I am looking to hire a team to jump start a new magazine soon. Therefore, I am looking for the following staff: Co-Editor Sub-Editor Writers Photographers Administrative Assistant Please send a notecard titled: (Your Name) (Job Title) New Magazine Application In your notecard, please indicate the following (just copy and paste these questions into your notecard.): 1. Full avatar name: 2. SL birthdate: 3. Available days and times on SL: 4. List your past and current work experience in SL. Include full names for references as they will be contacted: 5. If you are applying for the writer, photographer or editor position please include examples of your work: 6. Please indicate if you have any RL commitments or other that would impeed your ability to meet deadlines. This will not necessarily exclude you from being considered, but we need to know as there will be time constaints for projects: Pay will be determined upon experience and discussed with you directly if you are the successful applicant. As well, incremental rewards for outstanding work and committment will follow. Please do not respond to this thread and note that only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Please note that you must be at least 2 years of age in SL to be considered for any positions listed above. Thank you for your interest and I look forward to receiving your application. Regards, Brett Kenyon, CEO & Publisher
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