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Everything posted by LaurelLance89

  1. Looking to be an escort for a club, text only. I won't do cam or voice and there is no changing my mind on that. However, I will voice with owner of any club wanting to hire me, as I know most like to verify the person is who they say they are. IM me in world, if interested in hiring me.
  2. Unless it is against the rules.
  3. I'm 30 days old today! :catvery-happy: I would like a job that will earn me a steady income. I'm not really looking to make real money, but there are things I'd like to do and buy. I'm looking to make 1300L a week minimum, however I realize that may not be something to expect until I gain more experience. I'm willing to learn. So, either IM me inworld or on forums, if you are willing to hire/train me!
  4. Either way, When did I say I was or wanted to make anything? The subject is things i'd like to see made. I don't even know why I'm arguing with you about laws, lol. Please read the subject line before you try to insult someones intelligence or try to tell someone what they are trying to do.
  5. Pretty sure copyrights don't include actors.
  6. I'm not sure if you are correct. I've seen Fangtasia night club from True Blood and complete avatars from TVD for sell in the marketplace. Fangtasia Also, lots of true blood stuff comes up when you search Fangasia, True Blood or anything that is specific to the show. TVD Same with tvd. I've also seen Charmed themed stuff. Like Whightlighter and Darklight teleporting.
  7. Arrow Complete AvatarsVerdant [x] [x]Lost Girl Complete Avatars
  8. The graphics are mine. But the pictures used in this graphic is not mine.
  9. Either as a model or dancer prefered. No experience, 11 or 12 days old. Also, will accept work as graphic artist, but still need to work on skill level. Disclaimer: All pictures used are from google image search. I do not own them. IM me in game, if interested.
  10. Thank you to everyone who took the time to reply. Very helpful. :matte-motes-inlove:
  11. Anyone know where to get free neko skins and shapes or cheap ones?
  12. Anyone know if any are offered inworld? I'm willing to take notes and so on. I'd to be able to get a job as a pole dancer inworld.
  13. I have three, one female and two male avatars. I made my female first and she is the one I spend most of my time on. I made a male avatar that can be a child or teen/adult, just for fun. My third is also a male and I made him with the intentions of trying out bloodlines, but I am not active with that one yet, need to wait till I have the money for hud and avatar look. I do think of them as 3 different people. Rather you consider this a game or virtual reality, it isn't real and I don't consider it to be me in SL or take anything seriously. I log on to have fun, roleplay and even make friends. You have to come into second life knowing what you expect to get out of it or you might forget SL isn't real life.
  14. So, I thought this might be fun. The challenge is for your avatar to be wearing nothing but freebies. It would be interesting to see what people come up with. All you have to do for this challenge is dress your avatar in nothing but freebies, from outfits to skin and shape. Post a picture with links to where you got the freebies your avatar is dressed up in. Now let's see what you can come up with!
  15. I suspected that maybe that was it. Thank you.
  16. I just bought this full avatar set and moved it from my recieved folder to my inventory, but when I put it on, this is what I get.... How do I fix this? Please and thank you.
  17. Thank you all for your feedback. I did see a lighting class with the builder brewery, but they use gimp and I prefer photoshop. However, I am sure I can find tutorials on my own. Everything I do know how to do, I've learned from googling it or a friend. I'm going to keep at it. Again, your feedback helps a lot and encourages me to keep working at it. I'm not sure if SL supports gifs, but here is a non SL related sample.
  18. I just made two samples, using my avatar in freebie stuff. Just playing around in photoshop. Maybe, I can get a job making graphics for advertisements and shops. They didn't come out as good as I was hoping, but it's a start. I didn't know where to post this, so I posted it here. I'll post more later. Opinions are welcomed. NEW Used google for the images and gave it another try. What do you think?
  19. My tumblr roleplay. It's what they call independent roleplay, there is group roleplays as well. It's hard to explain in one post. As for everything else, I suppose it's how you look at it, your view. Maybe the longer I play, the more I will understand your point of view regarding it being a game and so on.
  20. It is a game, regardless of how you spin it. No goals? Get a job, make linden, buy stuff -- those are goals. If there were no goals, everyone would be rich and you wouldn't have to work for anything. Toon or Avatar, they are the same thing. Tumblr roleplay -- google it. I'd buy Linden, but I don't have $$$ to buy any with. Rent/Food > Linden I will look into filling out my profile and taking classes, getting skills. That does help. I've never played anything like this, so it can be confusing for a baby.
  21. I recently started playing Second Life and see plenty of things I'd like to buy. I really want to get into this game, but I suspect I will once I start earning Linden and maybe even make some friends. I'm still learning how to play and interact. I thought about doing something in graphics, since I roleplay on tumblr and make my own graphics there, but I'm not sure I'm skilled enough to make Linden with it. So, my question is, is there anyone willing to hire an unskilled noob in any job? Please help me find a in game job. :smileysad: I'd also like to find a mentor, someone to help me out in game, give me advise and so on. I'm not on all the time, but I've been spending a decent amount of time in game. Interested in helping a noob out? PM me or reply to this topic. I have skype, if it makes it easier to chat, but I won't just give it out to just anyone. My toon is a female, I am a female. I have a male alt, but I haven't done anything with him. Thank you for your time. EDIT: Fixed spelling/grammar errors.
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