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  1. 2 bucks per hour? no thanks. and it prob takes up a lot of bandwith on 4G data usesage. ....
  2. its really bad its like that half of the time you cant even tp. and what makes it worse is if you try more then once often times it will cause you to get stuck and have to relog. this is a major issue even if you try to remove scripts on you or what often times i find it very frustrating. its gotten worse lately and my internet connection is decent its not just me i find often times i have to try to teleport people multiple times to try to get them to come where i am. Fix it. like oh so many other issues in second life LL still refuses to fix some of the major show stopping issues.
  3. good to know. i am muting a ton of people lately. it would be nice to be a way to export mute lists so you can share with other charecters though...
  4. Control+Alt STudio's alpha viewer is the only viewer i know of currently that has Rift support, i am amazed that he got it working in a short amount of time. A big let down to Linden Lab (once again) for promising to deliver on Rift support "by the end of the summer"last year and failing to deliver. I think maybe they are going to wait for the consumer version which is fine. The control + alt stuidio version works pretty good.
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