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Everything posted by WaywardSparrow56

  1. I'm a new resident (avi's only a few days old) and loving everything so far. The thing is, though, that while I was lucky enough to find a wonderful, open, and very friendly sim on only my first or second day where I've made several great friends already, I am also highly interested in finding a partner for myself, as I usually am in these sort of games/online communities/MMORPGs/whatever-you-wanna-call-SL that let you do that sort of thing (like getting married in Mabinogi, for example, if any of you are familiar with that or have ever played it). But I've had a few problems with doing this. First off, my eighteenth birthday is not until December of this year, so I'm not able to get into most of the sims, regions, etc. where chances of finding a partner would be higher, and I won't be until it's mere weeks before Christmas. Second, since I'm still pretty new to the game and socially awkward to begin with both online and IRL, I really don't know how exactly to go about it. And while there is this one guy that I spent some time dancing with at a party in the sim I mentioned before where I've made some friends, it was really just kind of a friendly thing, and I haven't really seen him on since then (he lives in a completely different timezone and part of the world than I do, so a big part of it is that we haven't been logged on at the same time), plus how the hell would I even bring that up without it being all weird and awkward? :matte-motes-stress::matte-motes-confused: But, anyway, I'm rambling, as I often tend to do with this sort of thing, so I guess that basically what I'm saying here is that if there are any guys out there who are interested and/or looking, I am here, I am available, I am also interested and looking, and we would only have to wait like ten more months before we could go places with ratings higher than General because my stupid birthday just HAD to be in December, it couldn't be in an earlier, more convienent month, because the universe hates me and that would just be too much to ask, now, wouldn't it? :matte-motes-dont-cry: Anyway, if you're interested, either IM me, or find me in-world, or whatever. As it says beside this post, my registered username is WaywardSparrow56, though I can also be found by my display name, Josephine Dawson, and I can be most often found aimlessly faffing about in the Highlands of Scoland sim, either in or near the Inverness Inn, somewhere inside or on the roof of Brody Castle, or wandering around in the Urqhuart region, which can be reached quickly from the inn by hopping on one of the monorails. You'll recognize me by my red hair, and I'll usually be wearing one of my two kilt outfits, the patterns and colors of which are very similar to each other (both use dark green and dark blue).
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