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  1. Have heaps of prims left have a 1/4 commercial sim. Any ideas what to do with them?
  2. renting 1/4 of a sim and have a 1000 prims left looking for somebody to rent it to Will cost 1000L a week for the 1000 prims ( maybe more for same price) the land will still belong to the owner but name of land can be changed to suit your business name and also the group ( as long as not deeded) . The area you can have will be about half the size of the parcel . If interested reply to this thread or IM Amethestpearl Resident inworld
  3. Rasalka

    Texturing mesh

    Ok say I have a mesh template and a texture. Would it be better to go into a program like gimp or whatever and put the texture on it and then upload it or just Apply the texture to the mesh in world?
  4. Rasalka

    Help with door

    I have tried many door scripts, changing the number for rotation and still it won't work right , any ideas on why it won't work or how I can work it
  5. I like meli's stuff but she isn't nice. Have a look at this store https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/83722/search?utf8=✓&search%5Bcategory_id%5D=&search%5Bmaturity_level%5D=GMA&search%5Bkeywords%5D=+Mesh They have a lot of stuff for todleedoo avatars and others but they do have a few kids things
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