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Everything posted by JoshuaGibson

  1. Innula Zenovka wrote: Syo Emerald wrote: Innula Zenovka wrote: Syo Emerald wrote: Innula Zenovka wrote: Syo Emerald wrote: Nobody has said its a good thing to go into a sex club, when being a childavatar. The whole thread here is about something totally different, but I guess you didn't bother to even read the OP. As for your general opinion: I disagree, expect for the sexclubs. Behind those avatars are still adult users, who should be able to go to some musicclub and listen to their favorite singer or DJ. However, rightly or wrongly, the presence of child avatars on an adult sim sometimes worries owners about where the child avatars might end up, and cand also make other visitors and staff uncomfortable. That's the reason many adult sims ban child avatars altogether -- after all, if you want to go to a club to listen to your favourite singer, it's surely no great hardship to do it using an adult avatar. I don't see that he exclusivly talked about adult sims. Nightclubs and bars, for example, don't have to be on adult land and often don't content sexual content (other way, they would have to be on A rated land). I don't see a reason why a childavatar shouldn't go to a club where everyone is dressed and just dancing. No, I was talking about Adult sims, since that's what I have most experience of helping to run. However, I think the same would apply to M, or, indeed, G land. If your guests find the presence of child avatars in a club makes them feel uncomfortable, then ask the child avatars either to change to an adult avatar or leave. Yes of course, but there is a line between discriminating someone and haveing a good reason to ask someone to leave a place. And I still say its wrong to say if you have a childavatar, you aren't allowed to enter any place at all, because someone MIGHT be offended. Do you know what I want to see? A club that sends people with Lolas, fishfaces, ponyrider-shapes and such home. I don't think anyone -- anyone reasonable, that is -- is saying that child avatars shouldn't be allowed to enter any place at all. All I'm saying is that if the owner of a club or whatever feels uncomfortable about child avatars being there, or his customers do, then I don't blame him for asking them to change or to leave. My avatar normally wears contemporary clothes, but if I'm visiting a Gor, or other RP, sim I'll normally change into something that fits in there. To my mind, that's just good manners (though I did fall about laughing one time when an enormous great dragon dropped in at Bonanza Bondage when it was still running, explaining he was feeling peckish and wanted to buy two slave girls to go). That post sounds more reasonable to me than your earlier ones about clubs and similar places. Maybe I misunderstood your earlier ones? I think achieving a desired atmosphere is a good reason to restrict what kinds of avatars are welcome in a venue. If a club owner wants a particular kind of mature atmosphere, then I don't have any problem with that club owner banning child avs from their club. Also, if a club owner wants a childish atmosphere, I don't have any problem with that club owner banning grownup avs. On another account in the past I operated a hangout that welcomed both adult avs and child avs. Even though the land's content rating allowed sexually explicit avs, I banned them to achieve the desired atmosphere. I think it is very useful for a landowner to let people know as early as possible what kinds of avs are allowed. If I know I'm not welcome, I'll stay away. Most child avs I know have a similar attitude. There is no need to eject us from a club if we never go to the club. By the way, I would have gladly put on an adult skin and shape to see the dragon try to get takeout. That sounds hilarious. JoshuaGibson
  2. JustZoie wrote: Having been around the Family RP Community for a number of years, I've seen people like this as well, the basic issue is that a lot of people are so completely obsessed by sex, so much in fact that everything they do is somehow motivated by or tainted by sex, and they have gotten to the point where not only do they think that this is normal but they actually believe that everyone else is wired the same way. In their minds, avatars are built for sex and so if you are building a child av, then obviously (in their twisted view of the world) it must be illegal and abusive purposes. When you have such a limited mindset that sees all of SL as nothing but one giant red-light district it is easy to understand why they view kids as criminals--they simply can not see past their own motivations. Syo Emerald wrote: Not all people are nice and not all people are intelligent. The person you encountered was neither nice or intelligent. People like this can't empathize with others or accept things that might not fit their taste or that they can't understand. Unkown and strange things cause them to be afraid and call for such things as imprisoning everyone who likes or odes this things. Child avatars are something many people can't understand and feel uncomfortable with. They assume there must be something sick and evil going on with people who like to have their avatar look like a child. They think a person with a childavatar must have sexual interests in children, which would make them dangerous for society. Of course, its deeply wrong to assume this. Its plain intolerance. You both make a good point. I don't why I was so shocked that people who wrongly assume I'm guilty of evil RL motivations or actions would be content with only SL consequences. JoshuaGibson
  3. Innula Zenovka wrote: I have to say that's the first time I've ever heard anyone wanting to prosecute everyone who runs a child avatar. I've heard of proposals to keep child avatars out of Adult areas, or even to restrict them to G areas, and I've even heard proposals to ban them completely (from someone who used to post in the old, old forums and now haunts SLU a bit, and who is pretty much universally thought to be off her rocker), but I've never heard calls for people to be prosecuted just for running an child av. I'm not disputing that the encounter took place as you describe it. I'm just saying I don't think it's a widely-held view. Its the first time I've heard it too. It probably upset me more than it usually would have because I was very sick in RL at the time of the encounter. JoshuaGibson
  4. I encountered someone inworld today who told me that ALL child avs should be banned from the SL grid and imprisoned. This person made no mention of any specific behavior practiced by child avs. I don't understand this position. I know there are people who are emotionally disturbed by the existence of child avs in SL. I don't expect a rational explanation for their emotions and I understand, but don't agree with, such persons' efforts to persuade LL to ban child avs. I know there are people, through error in logic and/or evidence, believe that allowing child avs in SL puts real children at risk of abuse. These people may also be motivated by an overabundance of caution. I understand, but don't agree with, such persons' efforts to persuade LL to ban child avs. I know there are people who think banning child avs from SL will prevent the headaches caused by some persons' reactions to child avs. I understand, but don't agree with, such persons' efforts to persuade LL to ban child avs. I do not understand how anyone can think that the simple act of wearing a child av in SL is or should be a RL criminal act. Could someone please explain the thinking behind such a position? I'm especially interested in explanations from people who actually hold this position. JoshuaGibson
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