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Everything posted by FadeArcade

  1. This is certainly frustrating and looking more and more bleak everyday. I could spend all day trying to weight my mesh to get this to work "semi" ok with the avatar files as they are now, but in the end - all that time is just a waste because I'm not going to settle for anything less then perfect. I'd much rather wait until LL gets out official files that allow me to easily copy the weights from the avatar and let me tweak with minimal effort like the avatar files before this. The work to success ratio for the current files is way off and even if you were able to get an alright fit with the fitted mesh, I could have already worked on and completed a completely new mesh from start to finish. The biggest WTF of them all is how are you supposed to test the scaling effect from within your chosen 3d program? You really think we have the time to spend hours weighting something that look fine in the modeling program but acts completely different and unexpected when seen in-game? I scale the belly collision bone and my mesh explodes width wise instead of pushing the belly out like it does in-game. Does the belly scaling in game also scale up other bones along with it to give it that effect? If it does, you need to tell us exactly how much and which bones are effected by the belly slider. I don't have time to guess-timate your rig with this sort of disregarded information we need as creators. We need completely perfect avatar rigs, that when you scale up the collision bones - the mesh and avatar scale exactly as they do in-game. Until then, what is the point. Really. You might brush by these sort of problems if you have a baggy shirt that has a foot inbetween you and your avatar - but 99% of my mesh is skin tight (you scale the hips, and the model explodes 5 inches away from the model. pff ) - and I'm certainly not going to spend longer then an hour trying to rig. The supplied files don't even have handle weights on the avatar. What the hell Linden Labs. Srsly.
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