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Stand Weymann

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  1. Oh absolutely agree with you Astrid, that there's not any one 'true' 'way, that's exactly why I was going the list route not in any 'this is it and I'm sticking to it' way, just simply that I've found all the tutorials online jump around that I've seen and was just wanting to see what would work for me at the start and then as time moves on I can leave it as I get more confident and get an idea of what's going on... Some of the Blender tutorials though aimed at beginner's I've found either too fast, too advanced, too opaque or jargony, and have been left behind but thankfully am getting to a point now where I flow with most of what's being said, but it is that thing that Blender can be hugely overwhelming .. but if I started step by step then at least it's a start :matte-motes-smile: reference pic (redited to remove logo) - http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-UTNhoIauffg/UzRtIc0U9tI/AAAAAAAABQI/CN2SFei8ipo/s1600/cap-02.jpg The mesh - http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ekkbkpDA1MA/UzRjfUMetkI/AAAAAAAABPo/v6XMPYaWPtU/s1600/Untitled-1.png (strange I'm still having problems being able to embed images into this post :matte-motes-confused:) From what I understand only the outer side of any face will get any texture on in SL, the inside face will appear transparent, so I've added a lip that is going into the inside of the cap around the cap's edge I'm just putting these vids here again as they helped get started 1) "Learn Blender In Under An Hour!" by BlenderForNoobs - 2) "The Most Common Modeling Problems And How To Fix Them" by BlenderForNoobs -
  2. Thanks MIstahMoose, Drongle McMahon and Chic Aeon, :matte-motes-wink: No, no no, lists are good for this, thankfully am not an avid listmaker in RL but just seeing what steps are ahead help me take each bit at a time as it comes thanks MIstahMoose you've put me right on track. This is exactly what I'd hoped would happen. See am a noob and just need to take it slow and as you all said to understand. I've got my head around needing to use the beta testing grid which I get to via this page - http://aditi.coreqa.net/gridtool.php And have done the mesh test for both the beta test world and the usual SL world :matte-motes-smile: ----------------------------------- Just want to point out how I became confused about normals and specular because of this bit on the edit object window > texture panel image - http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-QlZQyUytGoQ/UzOHI1mRBsI/AAAAAAAABPY/vgkLIsu_-UY/s1600/002.png And then looked at these 2 vids - "Normal Maps are at last coming to SecondLife (at least beta grid)" - "Effects with SL's Specular Map" - ----------------------------------- Having said all that it's all waaaaay ahead of me. Right then baseball cap here I come. (Weirdly am having problems with the embedding vids an images in this hence the links ...hmm)
  3. Hello everyone :matte-motes-smile: I've been very impressed with Loki Eliot's - "Loki's Adventures in creating a mesh object for SL!" and feel it's time to dive into mesh and AV mesh creation myself *gulp* . Like Loki and his use of his thread I can see that if I keep my questions and problems in one place it would hugely help me and hopefully help other people too. I have been playing around with Blender so am getting to a point that I feel comfortable but I would still class myself as a novice. I'm using - Blender version 2.69 - http://download.blender.org/release/ (other versions are available here as well) Before I start big I'm going to create something small and manageable, my own mesh baseball cap, as it'll give me an idea of workflow and so that there's no need to consider rigging, weighting and all that sort of thing until later(I am totally dreading that) 1) Get a simple baseball cap made. 2) Learn how to make the textures for the cap. 3) Learn what is involved in making the UV map for the textures so the textures fit the cap when moved to SL. 4) Upload everything up to SL. Then... 5) Learn about 'normals' (a way of making the finished mesh appear more complex than it actually is). 6) Learn about 'specular' (shine - how a surface reacts to light). 7) Upload everything up SL. While I've been looking around I've come across these three invaluable videos that have helped me come to terms with Blender 1) "Learn Blender In Under An Hour!" by BlenderForNoobs - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vp1sH6Cm1ww 2) "The Most Common Modeling Problems And How To Fix Them" by BlenderForNoobs - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUJn-tJfpEc 3) "The Structure Of Blender HD: Modeling Human Figure Template" by RivenPhoenix - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jg-GUvYRHcU Anyway thanks for looking at this and thank you in advance for any help and advice. Cheers Stand Weymann :matte-motes-smile:
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