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Kiyomi Sion

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  1. Thank you so much for your answer! That's exactly what we wanted clarification on. He was a bit apprehensive to do all the work first and find out later if it would work or not, and then we wouldn't really understand why. My friend is going to do the work in Maya. We experimented previously on taking an object from Maya and importing it into SL after various conversions and it worked out for us. Thank you for the advice on the attachments! That actually looks like it will work as well. It's good to know now so we can prepare the parts appropriately. *edit* found my own answer to my second question. Thank you again!
  2. Hello! I apologize if this is answered really clearly somewhere. It's tough to find good tutorials, but most tutorials only talk about the common case scenarios. I have a friend who has some meshes already made. We were interested in importing them into sl for custom avatars. Since I see there's rigged avatar meshes I was curious in trying this. The question is: does the mesh need to conform to the standard second life rig? We have a character who is humanoid but has unusual proportions. It doesn't conform to the standard template. Are we allowed to move joints or will everything just go out the window once we try to upload it? A second question is about attachments. I know this might be outside of the realm of this forum, but if someone has an answer that would be great! If we have an attachment like a wing, in order to animate that does the attachment object require its own rig that you play back animations on via scripts? Thank you for checking out my post!
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