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Posts posted by cuffley

  1. A sharing of one account would have its adantages , but I can understand why LL would never do this and that would be that more than one person could share an account and its privileages thus depriving LL of a potenual customer opening thier own account.

    As for clothes and other items, I can understand that sharing would be an isssue but am sure with the perms in place at the moment this would not be capable.

    I just feel having two alts of one account is a good idea for what ever reason.



  2. As many might agree, some main account holders probally have a 2nd Alt, I like to belive that in most cases this not for devous reasons but would it not be nice if Lindens allowed one account memership holder to be able to have more than one Alt to share the account, IEEE the land, money. I would think is a good idea what are your thoughts



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