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  1. This guy comes back every day with a new name and keeps it up. We put him on the ban list for our group but that does not stop him from continuing for hours, until he logs off or closes his window to our group. Is the a way to stop him from posting immediately after we ban him? That apparently means he cannot log in with that name again. He creates a new Avatar and is back the next day. Is there a way to stop him? His name is now on the banned list but every 20 minutes he sends posts a message to the group using that name. Should we Eject him, and then Ban him?
  2. I'm looking for a place to set as a Home spot; preferably an Adult one with low traffic and a sandbox near by. Everytime I try, I get a message that says I need to find a Mainland Infohub. Is there such a place? Jess
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