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Everything posted by Laurdessa

  1. My Mother restarted the sim for the 3rd time... I don't know what changed but now I can see the city and sim! I had reset all my connections and she went through all the land settings. So what fixed it, we have no idea but I can teleport and see it from the home sim! Thank you all for your suggestions and ideas. I do appreciate you taking time to review the issue!!!
  2. Qie, yes, others can get to the sim and see it as well. We were all sitting out on the pagoda having a chat and they took pictures to show me they could see the city behind us, I took pics and showed them what I saw... nothing but water. I can do a tracert to sim and find out though if needed. Mom reset it and restarted the sim as well... we're just stumped. Thank you for the suggestion about chekcing the IP for the sim.. I can do that
  3. Thank you for the suggestion. Yes, we've restarted the sims to no avail. My family has checked the ban lists and everything. nothing is there and I'm in all the grps. We don't get it and since we aren't premium members, isn't this lovely.. can't even get to our own sim. So no walking to it, cannot see it (even when standing right next to it), cannot TP to but can TP anywhere else and back home without issues( it's just this one sim), receive no error messages or messages about a banning issue.... I just don't know what else to do or try. Cleared all the caches, checked on different machines. Restarted and reset. Thank you for your time though in answering.
  4. Thank you Dillon, I should have added this. we own 3 sims, if I am on the sim for our homes, which is aside the city, I cannot even see the city!! I should be able to but don't at all. I cannot see it nor walk to it, when I try to walk over the sim boundry line keeps me from crossing and I just get pushed back to the resident sim.. and usually you can see the city perfectly from there. It has us baffled.. as I posted below to Sassy, we've even restarted the sim.
  5. I've read the forums about failed teleports, I don't know what else to look up. I am a member of the sim group, I have been there often. Now, any avie I use or any computer, I cannot telelport to our city sim. I can be at home on the sim right next door and telelport anywhere. When I try to telelport to the city sim, the bar shows up and then it times out, I am logged out of SL. I receive no errors or messages of any kind. It simply won't allow the teleport. I have tried SL viewer, Firestorm and Singularity, on 2 different machines. I cannot telelport. I've tried Clearing the Cache, yes, both caches in fact. I've checked settings but no matter, I cannot telelport to our family owned city. Help! Please! Thank you for any suggestions with this issue.
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