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Ford Bebb

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Posts posted by Ford Bebb

  1. 10 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

    I'm curious what region you live in that gets so many "intruders". I rarely see more than 1 or 2 a week and I have no security and leave everything wide open. 

    Perhaps neighborhood living isn't the best choice for you?

    Just pointing out a flaw in the security system. Mainland was just slightly worse. And if it's a neighbor welcoming me to the neighborhood thats one thing... thanks for the welcome to the neighborhood:)


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  2. The security orb does work, just not consistently. While set for 15 seconds, it sometimes boots uninvited guests after 15 seconds, but has also not kicked in for up to 4 minutes. After tracking intrusions it appears to be a lot of newbies without payment info ( although a Belli resident was sitting on her horse in my side yard  for up to 4 minutes yesterday before being booted). The restriction to create ban lines is a mistake. I am not gonna start building ban lists for 1 or 2 time intruders who will more than likely never show up again, but it is the daily intrusion of 1 or more intruders that get to sit for 1 minute or up to 4 minutes that is annoying and constant. After speaking to a friend, they are also experiencing this. Keeping the option on so that avatars outside the parcel cannot see you is a great privacy option, but as someone said I am tired of an intruder popping up in my face uninvited into what is supposed to be my home. 

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