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skeeterspal Dover

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  1. I have had the same problem, suddenly one day, thousands of item missing from the folders. All folders in inventory but nothing inside them. I have tried everything suggested, even took out firestorm and reinstalled it and still they are missing. went to Pooley to try that and nothing. I think this is a firestorm issue and someone needs to look into this. I installed SL 4 viewer and items are all there. So it has to be something with firestorm.
  2. I also have been trying to find a house that I like and in looking around find MANY houses owned by Govenor Liinden which have been abandoned. If you find one you like, rather than keep trying and filling out the forms to acquire one and sent on a wild goose chase, why can't I purchase one of the abandoned ones. I have the parcel number, the coordinates and is exactly what I want. Is there no way to acquire one of the many I see setting empty?
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