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Everything posted by reeveskd

  1. Outstanidng! I had a map on my whiteboard, so I'm glad to know that's appropriate for large-scale scripting, but I see some logical inconsistencies in my design as I read your analysis, and I think I understand! I've made several changes to my prototype script in world, and I'm happy to report it's working as intended! I was missing some key understandings about differentiating different variables, and most critically wasn't looking properly at the correct items in my llGetInventoryName and llGetInventoryType actions. I've made several major changes to both my approach and design, and I now have a script that is successfully identifying each prim as it comes in, storing its information, and deleting the prim to keep it empty and ready for the next thing. Your help has been tremendous! Thank you! You're right, of course, that there are safeguards that will need to be developed that are immediately apparent even to me: Bozo is right! I suppose I should look into keying the avatar with the initial click and rejecting anything coming from anybody else right in that state, thereby preventing "contamination" of the recipe. Additionally, a timeout is a GREAT idea, and I'll have to start looking into things like that... ...because after all, I started this project to learn! I'm excited. Thank you again, Rolig!
  2. Making progress! Next issue: I would like three sets of "changed" events. (Each time the avatar drags an object onto the prim, I want each object name stored as a separate variable, for later use in generating the "recipe" "ingredient" list. I tried this using while and a dynamic variable, but failed in the attempt. I seem to have the trouble now that I can't use more than one "changed" event while in a given state. Do I need to separate the states here, to avoid the "Name previously declared within scope" error? --- integer craftingStage; string item1; string item2; string item3; default { state_entry() // Initial Settings { integer craftingStage=0; // Crafting Stage starts at Zero string item1 = "None"; // Placeholder variable for "item1" string item2 = "None"; // Placeholder variable for "item2" string item3 = "None"; // Placeholder variable for "item3" llSetText("Click to start crafting", <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0); // Set initial hover text llAllowInventoryDrop(TRUE); // Allows non-owners to drop inventory into prim } // Closes state_entry touch_start(integer num_detected) // Touching the prim starts the Crafting loop { llSetText("Stage: "+(string)craftingStage+"\n Item 1: "+(string)item1+"\n Item 2: "+(string)item2+"\n Item 3: "+(string)item3, <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0); // Set hover text to Crafting format } // Closes touch_start // <--- Do I need to separate states here, and again after each changed(integer change) event? // Crafting Stage 1 changed(integer change) { if (change & (CHANGED_ALLOWED_DROP | CHANGED_INVENTORY)) // If non-owner adds item or owner adds item... { llSay(0, "Inventory changed."); //Say in local that the inventory has changed integer index; string itemName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ALL, index); integer itemType = llGetInventoryType(itemName); llSay(0, "The value craftingStage is " + (string)craftingStage); llSay(0, "The value itemName is " + itemName); llSay(0, "The value itemType is " + (string)itemType); llSleep(0.1); craftingStage = craftingStage + 1; llSay(0, "The new value craftingStage is " + (string)craftingStage); if ((integer)craftingStage == 1) { item1 = itemName; } else if ((integer)craftingStage == 2) { item2 = itemName; } else if ((integer)craftingStage == 3) { item3 = itemName; } else { llSay(0, "Crafting Stage Error"); } llSleep(0.1); llSetText("Stage: "+(string)craftingStage+"\n Item 1: "+(string)item1+"\n Item 2: "+(string)item2+"\n Item 3: "+(string)item3, <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0); } // Closes if } // Closes changed // <-- Another place to change states? // Crafting Stage 2 changed(integer change2) { if (change2 & (CHANGED_ALLOWED_DROP | CHANGED_INVENTORY)) // If non-owner adds item or owner adds item... { llSay(0, "Inventory changed."); //Say in local that the inventory has changed integer index; string itemName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ALL, index); integer itemType = llGetInventoryType(itemName); llSay(0, "The value craftingStage is " + (string)craftingStage); llSay(0, "The value itemName is " + itemName); llSay(0, "The value itemType is " + (string)itemType); llSleep(0.1); craftingStage = craftingStage + 1; llSay(0, "The new value craftingStage is " + (string)craftingStage); if ((integer)craftingStage == 1) { item1 = itemName; } else if ((integer)craftingStage == 2) { item2 = itemName; } else if ((integer)craftingStage == 3) { item3 = itemName; } else { llSay(0, "Crafting Stage Error"); } llSleep(0.1); llSetText("Stage: "+(string)craftingStage+"\n Item 1: "+(string)item1+"\n Item 2: "+(string)item2+"\n Item 3: "+(string)item3, <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0); } // Closes if } // Closes changed // <-- Another place to change states? // Crafting Stage 3 changed(integer change3) { if (change3 & (CHANGED_ALLOWED_DROP | CHANGED_INVENTORY)) // If non-owner adds item or owner adds item... { llSay(0, "Inventory changed."); //Say in local that the inventory has changed integer index; string itemName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ALL, index); integer itemType = llGetInventoryType(itemName); llSay(0, "The value craftingStage is " + (string)craftingStage); llSay(0, "The value itemName is " + itemName); llSay(0, "The value itemType is " + (string)itemType); llSleep(0.1); craftingStage = craftingStage + 1; llSay(0, "The new value craftingStage is " + (string)craftingStage); if ((integer)craftingStage == 1) { item1 = itemName; } else if ((integer)craftingStage == 2) { item2 = itemName; } else if ((integer)craftingStage == 3) { item3 = itemName; } else { llSay(0, "Crafting Stage Error"); } llSleep(0.1); llSetText("Stage: "+(string)craftingStage+"\n Item 1: "+(string)item1+"\n Item 2: "+(string)item2+"\n Item 3: "+(string)item3, <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0); } // Closes if } // Closes changed // <-- Another place (last place) to change states? // Cleanup Stage state_exit() { llSay(0, "Cleanup Stage"); llSay(0, "Removing Item 1: " + item1); if (item1!="inv_receivedetectrespond_protected") { llRemoveInventory(item1); } else { llSay(0, "Protecting script from deletion!"); } llSay(0, "Removing Item 2: " + item2); if (item2!="inv_receivedetectrespond_protected") { llRemoveInventory(item2); } else { llSay(0, "Protecting script from deletion!"); } llSay(0, "Removing Item 3: " + item3); if (item3!="inv_receivedetectrespond_protected") { llRemoveInventory(item3); } else { llSay(0, "Protecting script from deletion!"); } } // Closes state_entry } // Closes default
  3. Rolig: Thank you very much for taking the time to reply with your examples. I will experiment with global variables to keep some of these values from state to state, and see if I can figure out the next stage independently! I appreciate it! Cheers, Loren
  4. I am absolutely brand new to scripting, and I confess both noobness and ineptitude in Googling / forum-surfing for this, so my apologies in advance. I am attempting to build a script by which an avatar (non-perm non-owner) drops three objects onto a prim, and the prim reacts (gives messages / inventory items) based on the unique combinations of those three objects. At the moment, I'm early in the project, trying to establish a test prim onto which inventory items are dropped. The prim then detects the name of the item, stores that name as a variable, and awaits a second (then a third) dropped item, ultimately destroying the three items. (ideally it would reject any item that was not an object and reset, but that comes later.) My trouble at the moment, as I attempt to learn LSL, is storing the dropped-in object names as variables from one event to the next. Here's what I have so far: --- default { state_entry() { llAllowInventoryDrop(TRUE); // Allows non-owners to drop inventory into prim } changed(integer change) { if (change & (CHANGED_ALLOWED_DROP | CHANGED_INVENTORY)) { llSay(0, "Inventory changed."); integer index; integer craftingStage; string itemName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ALL, index); integer itemType = llGetInventoryType(itemName); llSay(0, "The value craftingStage is " + (string)craftingStage); llSay(0, "The value itemName is " + itemName); llSay(0, "The value itemType is " + (string)itemType); llSleep(0.1); craftingStage = craftingStage + 1; llSay(0, "The new value craftingStage is " + (string)craftingStage); llSay(0, "Removing item called " + itemName); llRemoveInventory(itemName); } } } --- This script tests well, taking the object, identifying the name and type, regurgitating that information into local, adding 1 to the craftingStage variable, and then deleting the original object, leaving the test prim free of clutter. However, as I understand it, in this script, I've created the variable "craftingStage" only after the change of inventory event has triggered. While the craftingStage variable is increased by one, I'm unsure how to get this variable to persist (so I can repeat this process another two times, adding +1 to the craftingStage variable each time) across item drops. My thought was originally that I could use craftingStage as an ordinal number variable so I could ultimately define itemName1, itemName2, and itemName3 into a [list], and then use some if/else statements to say "if the list reads "red red blue" then give the avatar X item, and if the list reads "red blue blue" then give the avatar Y item, but if the list reads anything else, tell the avatar to go pound salt." That's the ultimate goal: An avatar drags three items onto a prim. If any of those items aren't an object, it pukes and destroys everything (except the script) and resets. If all three items are objects, the test prim compares the names of those items to a list, and if the "recipe" of items matches any set of conditions, the avatar is rewarded with a resulting item, and the "ingredient" items are destroyed and the item resets. If the items don't match a "recipe," the prim pukes and destroys everything and resets. The result is a prim that won't take non-objects, and will take three objects and act accordingly. (How I make sure the objects are "authentic" and not just wooden blocks the avatar named him/herself is another task entirely, I understand, but this is a learning project. Presumably that gets into a database of keys or something, and iono LOL.) However, this idea of craftingStage as the "what step am I on" variable doesn't seem feasible as a solution if the variable doesn't persist across events, and I'm a total noob and dunno how to do that. I've visited a few script tutorial sims and have done some reading, but if the answer is spelled out in either venue, I'm too bleary to see it. Thanks in advance for any help any of the experts can provide! ^_^ Cheers, Loren
  5. Cerise, you are a genius. The problem is solved. The issue was absolutely related to an installed-but-not connected HID device, specifically in this case an interactive whiteboard. I uninstalled all disconnected devices, deleted the drivers using Ghostbuster, did a complete cache clear and reinstallation, and voila. We're in business. For future sufferers of VFS hang, once you've cache cleared, and once you've confirmed appropriate graphics drivers, clearly your next step should be uninstalling anything but the bare essential keyboard and mouse. I would never have thought to pursue this line of resolution without guidance. Thank you so much, Cerise. I really appreciate it.
  6. Yes, that's the end of the log. I've had the same experience both in my office and at home, and have different peripherals in both locations. At work, I have a wireless keyboard and bluetooth trackball. At home, I use USB-wired keyboard and mouse. I'll try undocking, rebooting, and using no external peripherals. I'll also check that the trackpad driver is completely up to date and see if I can underp the derpaderp. Thanks for the info! Also good to know I won't get much back from LL on the Quadro 1800M. This machine, prior to reimaging, was running SL viewer and 3rd party viewers like gangbusters, so I'm starting to wonder what's changed on the imaging side of the house. (Used all the same peripherals then as well.) As an experiment, I took another machine, also freshly reimaged, that has different graphics and no attached peripherals, and it did the same thing: The log stopped right after the graphics entries. Baffling stuff, eh? I'll report back after I experiment with the peripheral situation.
  7. Thank you for that tip, Cerise. There are two things in the log file that stand out: One, the warnings about directory structure. Is it standard procedure for SL to try and remove directories that don't exist on the first run, or are folder structure rmdir warnings unimportant? Two, the last lines of the log are related to graphics drivers, and nothing comes after. Does that indicate that the "detecting hardware" step completed successfully, and VFS never started? Here's the log for review if anyone has some experience with this: 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z WARNING: LLAppViewer::initLoggingAndGetLastDuration: duration stat failure; start: -1 log: -1 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z INFO: LLAppViewer::loadSettingsFromDirectory: Attempting to load settings for the group Global - from location Default 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z INFO: LLAppViewer::loadSettingsFromDirectory: Loaded settings file C:\Program Files\SecondLifeViewer\app_settings\settings.xml 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z INFO: LLAppViewer::loadSettingsFromDirectory: Attempting to load settings for the group Global - from location Default 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z WARNING: LLControlGroup::loadFromFile: Cannot find file C:\Program Files\SecondLifeViewer\app_settings\settings_install.xml to load. 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z INFO: LLAppViewer::loadSettingsFromDirectory: Cannot load C:\Program Files\SecondLifeViewer\app_settings\settings_install.xml - No settings found. 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z INFO: LLAppViewer::loadSettingsFromDirectory: Attempting to load settings for the group PerAccount - from location Default 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z INFO: LLAppViewer::loadSettingsFromDirectory: Loaded settings file C:\Program Files\SecondLifeViewer\app_settings\settings_per_account.xml 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z INFO: LLAppViewer::loadSettingsFromDirectory: Attempting to load settings for the group CrashSettings - from location Default 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z INFO: LLAppViewer::loadSettingsFromDirectory: Loaded settings file C:\Program Files\SecondLifeViewer\app_settings\settings_crash_behavior.xml 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z INFO: LLAppViewer::loadSettingsFromDirectory: Attempting to load settings for the group Warnings - from location Default 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z INFO: LLAppViewer::loadSettingsFromDirectory: Loaded settings file C:\Program Files\SecondLifeViewer\app_settings\ignorable_dialogs.xml 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z INFO: LLAppViewerWin32::initParseCommandLine: Language: en 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z INFO: LLAppViewerWin32::initParseCommandLine: Location: US 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z INFO: LLAppViewerWin32::initParseCommandLine: Variant: ISO_8859-1 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z INFO: LLAppViewer::loadSettingsFromDirectory: Attempting to load settings for the group Global - from location User 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z WARNING: LLControlGroup::loadFromFile: Cannot find file C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\user_settings\C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\user_settings\settings.xml to load. 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z INFO: LLAppViewer::loadSettingsFromDirectory: Cannot load C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\user_settings\C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\user_settings\settings.xml - No settings found. 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z INFO: LLAppViewer::loadSettingsFromDirectory: Attempting to load settings for the group CrashSettings - from location User 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z WARNING: LLControlGroup::loadFromFile: Cannot find file C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\user_settings\settings_crash_behavior.xml to load. 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z INFO: LLAppViewer::loadSettingsFromDirectory: Cannot load C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\user_settings\settings_crash_behavior.xml - No settings found. 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z INFO: LLAppViewer::loadSettingsFromDirectory: Attempting to load settings for the group Warnings - from location User 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z WARNING: LLControlGroup::loadFromFile: Cannot find file C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\user_settings\ignorable_dialogs.xml to load. 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z INFO: LLAppViewer::loadSettingsFromDirectory: Cannot load C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\user_settings\ignorable_dialogs.xml - No settings found. 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z INFO: LLAppViewer::loadSettingsFromDirectory: Attempting to load settings for the group Global - from location Session 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z INFO: LLAppViewer::loadSettingsFromDirectory: Attempting to load settings for the group Global - from location UserSession 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z INFO: LLAppViewer::initConfiguration: Setting Global.InstallLanguage to en 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z WARNING: LLUIColorTable::loadFromFilename: Unable to parse color file C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\user_settings\colors.xml 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z INFO: LLAppViewer::init: Configuration initialized. 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z INFO: LLCoros::setStackSize: Setting coroutine stack size to 262144 2013-10-18T14:38:08Z INFO: LLAppViewer::init: LLCurl initialized. 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z INFO: LLAppViewer::init: Threads initialized. 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z INFO: LLAppViewer::init: UI initialized. 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z INFO: LLNotifications::loadTemplates: Reading notifications template 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z INFO: LLNotifications::loadTemplates: ...done 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z INFO: LLAppViewer::init: Notifications initialized. 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z INFO: LLGridManager::initialize: Grid configuration file 'C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\user_settings\grids.xml' 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z WARNING: LLGridManager::initialize: Failed to open grid configuration 'C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\user_settings\grids.xml' 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z INFO: LLGridManager::initialize: Last grid '' not configured 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z INFO: LLGridManager::initialize: Default grid to util.agni.lindenlab.com 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z INFO: LLGridManager::setGridChoice: setting util.agni.lindenlab.com 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z INFO: LLAppViewer::writeSystemInfo: Application: Second Life 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z INFO: LLAppViewer::writeSystemInfo: Version: Second Life Release 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z INFO: LLAppViewer::writeSystemInfo: Local time: 2013-10-18T10:38:09 Eastern Daylight Time 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z INFO: LLAppViewer::writeSystemInfo: CPU info: // CPU General Information ////////////////////////// Processor Name: Intel® Core i7 CPU M 620 @ 2.67GHz Frequency: 2660.18 MHz Vendor: GenuineIntel Family: Intel Pentium Pro/2/3, Core (i6) Extended family: i0 Model: i5 Extended model: i2 Type: i0 Brand ID: i0 // CPU Configuration ////////////////////////// APIC Physical ID = i4 CLFLUSH cache line size = i64 Cache Line Size = i64 Cache Size = i256 L2 Associativity = i6 Max Supported CPUID level = i11 Max Supported Ext. CPUID level = i0 // CPU Extensions ////////////////////////// APIC On Chip CFLUSH Extension CMPXCHG8B Instruction CPL Qualified Debug Store Conditional Move/Compare Instruction Debug Store Debugging Extensions FXSAVE/FXRSTOR Hyper-threading Technology MMX Technology MONITOR/MWAIT Machine Check Architecture Machine Check Exception Memory Type Range Registers PTE Global Bit Page Attribute Table Page Size Extension Page Size Extensions Pend. Brk. EN. Physical Address Extensions RDMSR and WRMSR Support SSE Extensions SSE2 Extensions SSE3 New Instructions SYSENTER and SYSEXIT Self Snoop Thermal Monitor Thermal Monitor 2 Thermal Monitor and Clock Ctrl Time Stamp Counter Virtual-8086 Mode Enhancement x87 FPU On Chip ->mHasSSE: 1 ->mHasSSE2: 1 ->mHasAltivec: 0 ->mCPUMHz: 2660.18 ->mCPUString: Intel® Core i7 CPU M 620 @ 2.67GHz (2660.18 MHz) 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z INFO: LLAppViewer::writeSystemInfo: Memory info: 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> Avail Physical KB: 2078864 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> Avail Virtual KB: 1985824 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> Avail page KB: 5512400 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> CommitLimit KB: 6793168 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> CommitPeak KB: 1810544 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> CommitTotal KB: 1280768 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> HandleCount: 18886 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> KernelNonpaged KB: 62508 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> KernelPaged KB: 199968 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> KernelTotal KB: 262476 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> Page Fault Count: 1603 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> PageSize KB: 4 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> PagefileUsage KB: 4888 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> PeakPagefileUsage KB: 4888 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> PeakWorkingSetSize KB: 6360 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> Percent Memory use: 0 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> PhysicalAvail KB: 2078852 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> PhysicalTotal KB: 3397460 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> PrivateUsage KB: 4888 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> ProcessCount: 63 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage KB: 5 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> QuotaPagedPoolUsage KB: 175 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage KB: 5 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> QutaPeakPagedPoolUsage KB: 175 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> SystemCache KB: 1881800 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> ThreadCount: 758 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> Total Physical KB: 3397460 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> Total Virtual KB: 2097024 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> Total page KB: 6793168 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> WorkingSetSize KB: 6360 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z <mem> timestamp: 2013-10-18T14:38:07Z 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z INFO: LLAppViewer::writeSystemInfo: OS: Microsoft Windows 7 32-bit 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z INFO: LLAppViewer::writeSystemInfo: OS info: Microsoft Windows 7 32-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z INFO: LLAppViewer::writeDebugInfo: Opening debug file C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\logs\debug_info.log 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z INFO: llHashedUniqueID: ONCE: System ID 21e7460a1815bcec387b53d7affcd489 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z INFO: LLUpdaterServiceImpl::setState: setting state to 1 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z INFO: LLUpdaterServiceImpl::restartTimer: will check for update again in 0 seconds 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z INFO: LLAppViewer::init: J2C Engine is: KDU v7.0 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z INFO: LLAppViewer::init: libcurl version is: libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/0.9.8q zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.7.1 2013-10-18T14:38:09Z INFO: LLAppViewer::init: UI initialization is done. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLDXHardware::getInfo: VRAM Detected: 2381 DX9 string: 2381 MB 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLAppViewerWin32::initHardwareTest: Detected VRAM: 2381 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLAppViewer::init: Hardware test initialization done. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLTextureCache::initCache: Headers: 94279 Textures size: 355 MB 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLTextureCache::purgeAllTextures: Deleting files in directory: C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\0 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::Impl: Invalid path: "C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\0" 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::next: The iterator is not correctly initialized. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: warnif: Couldn't rmdir 'C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\0' (errno 2): No such file or directory 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLTextureCache::purgeAllTextures: Deleting files in directory: C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\1 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::Impl: Invalid path: "C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\1" 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::next: The iterator is not correctly initialized. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: warnif: Couldn't rmdir 'C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\1' (errno 2): No such file or directory 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLTextureCache::purgeAllTextures: Deleting files in directory: C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\2 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::Impl: Invalid path: "C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\2" 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::next: The iterator is not correctly initialized. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: warnif: Couldn't rmdir 'C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\2' (errno 2): No such file or directory 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLTextureCache::purgeAllTextures: Deleting files in directory: C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\3 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::Impl: Invalid path: "C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\3" 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::next: The iterator is not correctly initialized. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: warnif: Couldn't rmdir 'C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\3' (errno 2): No such file or directory 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLTextureCache::purgeAllTextures: Deleting files in directory: C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\4 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::Impl: Invalid path: "C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\4" 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::next: The iterator is not correctly initialized. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: warnif: Couldn't rmdir 'C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\4' (errno 2): No such file or directory 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLTextureCache::purgeAllTextures: Deleting files in directory: C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\5 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::Impl: Invalid path: "C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\5" 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::next: The iterator is not correctly initialized. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: warnif: Couldn't rmdir 'C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\5' (errno 2): No such file or directory 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLTextureCache::purgeAllTextures: Deleting files in directory: C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\6 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::Impl: Invalid path: "C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\6" 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::next: The iterator is not correctly initialized. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: warnif: Couldn't rmdir 'C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\6' (errno 2): No such file or directory 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLTextureCache::purgeAllTextures: Deleting files in directory: C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\7 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::Impl: Invalid path: "C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\7" 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::next: The iterator is not correctly initialized. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: warnif: Couldn't rmdir 'C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\7' (errno 2): No such file or directory 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLTextureCache::purgeAllTextures: Deleting files in directory: C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\8 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::Impl: Invalid path: "C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\8" 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::next: The iterator is not correctly initialized. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: warnif: Couldn't rmdir 'C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\8' (errno 2): No such file or directory 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLTextureCache::purgeAllTextures: Deleting files in directory: C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\9 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::Impl: Invalid path: "C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\9" 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::next: The iterator is not correctly initialized. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: warnif: Couldn't rmdir 'C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\9' (errno 2): No such file or directory 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLTextureCache::purgeAllTextures: Deleting files in directory: C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\a 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::Impl: Invalid path: "C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\a" 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::next: The iterator is not correctly initialized. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: warnif: Couldn't rmdir 'C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\a' (errno 2): No such file or directory 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLTextureCache::purgeAllTextures: Deleting files in directory: C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\b 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::Impl: Invalid path: "C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\b" 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::next: The iterator is not correctly initialized. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: warnif: Couldn't rmdir 'C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\b' (errno 2): No such file or directory 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLTextureCache::purgeAllTextures: Deleting files in directory: C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\c 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::Impl: Invalid path: "C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\c" 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::next: The iterator is not correctly initialized. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: warnif: Couldn't rmdir 'C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\c' (errno 2): No such file or directory 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLTextureCache::purgeAllTextures: Deleting files in directory: C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\d 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::Impl: Invalid path: "C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\d" 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::next: The iterator is not correctly initialized. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: warnif: Couldn't rmdir 'C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\d' (errno 2): No such file or directory 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLTextureCache::purgeAllTextures: Deleting files in directory: C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\e 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::Impl: Invalid path: "C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\e" 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::next: The iterator is not correctly initialized. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: warnif: Couldn't rmdir 'C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\e' (errno 2): No such file or directory 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLTextureCache::purgeAllTextures: Deleting files in directory: C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\f 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::Impl: Invalid path: "C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\f" 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::next: The iterator is not correctly initialized. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: warnif: Couldn't rmdir 'C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\f' (errno 2): No such file or directory 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::Impl: Invalid path: "C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache" 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLDirIterator::Impl::next: The iterator is not correctly initialized. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: warnif: Couldn't rmdir 'C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache' (errno 2): No such file or directory 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: ll_apr_warn_status: APR: The system cannot find the path specified. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLAPRFile::open: Attempting to open filename: C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\texturecache\texture.entries 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLTextureCache::purgeAllTextures: The entire texture cache is cleared. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLTextureCache::purgeTextures: TEXTURE CACHE: Purging. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLAppViewer::initCache: VFS CACHE SIZE: 102 MB 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLAppViewer::initCache: Bad or missing vfx index file C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\index.db2.x.1 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLAppViewer::initCache: Removing old vfs data file C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\data.db2.x.1 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: warnif: Couldn't remove 'C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\data.db2.x.1' (errno 2): No such file or directory 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: warnif: Couldn't remove 'C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\index.db2.x.1' (errno 2): No such file or directory 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: warnif: Couldn't remove 'C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\data.db2.x.1' (errno 2): No such file or directory 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: warnif: Couldn't remove 'C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\index.db2.x.1' (errno 2): No such file or directory 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLVFS::LLVFS: Attempting to open VFS index file C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\index.db2.x.14223 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLVFS::LLVFS: Attempting to open VFS data file C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\data.db2.x.14223 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: warnif: Couldn't remove 'C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\index.db2.x.14223' (errno 2): No such file or directory 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: warnif: Couldn't remove 'C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\index.db2.x.14223' (errno 2): No such file or directory 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLVFS::presizeDataFile: Pre-sized VFS data file to 106954752 bytes 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLVFS::LLVFS: Using VFS index file C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\index.db2.x.14223 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLVFS::LLVFS: Using VFS data file C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Local\SecondLife\data.db2.x.14223 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLVFS::LLVFS: Attempting to open VFS index file C:\Program Files\SecondLifeViewer\app_settings\static_index.db2 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLVFS::LLVFS: Attempting to open VFS data file C:\Program Files\SecondLifeViewer\app_settings\static_data.db2 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLVFS::LLVFS: Using VFS index file C:\Program Files\SecondLifeViewer\app_settings\static_index.db2 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLVFS::LLVFS: Using VFS data file C:\Program Files\SecondLifeViewer\app_settings\static_data.db2 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLAppViewer::init: Cache initialization is done. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLAppViewer::initWindow: Initializing window... 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: window is created. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: Device context retrieved. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: Pixel format chosen. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: --- begin pixel format dump --- 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: pixel_format is 10 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: pfd.nSize: 40 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: pfd.nVersion: 1 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: pfd.dwFlags: 0x8225 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: pfd.iPixelType: 0 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: pfd.cColorBits: 32 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: pfd.cRedBits: 8 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: pfd.cRedShift: 16 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: pfd.cGreenBits: 8 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: pfd.cGreenShift: 8 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: pfd.cBlueBits: 8 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: pfd.cBlueShift: 0 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: pfd.cAlphaBits: 8 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: pfd.cAlphaShift: 24 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: pfd.cAccumBits: 64 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: pfd.cAccumRedBits: 16 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: pfd.cAccumGreenBits: 16 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: pfd.cAccumBlueBits: 16 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: pfd.cAccumAlphaBits: 16 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: pfd.cDepthBits: 24 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: pfd.cStencilBits: 8 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: pfd.cAuxBuffers: 4 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: pfd.iLayerType: 0 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: pfd.bReserved: 0 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: pfd.dwLayerMask: 0 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: pfd.dwVisibleMask: 0 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: pfd.dwDamageMask: 0 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: --- end pixel format dump --- 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: Drawing context is created. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLGLManager::initWGL: No ARB WGL render texture extensions 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: pixel formats done. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: recreate window done. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: GL buffer: Color Bits 32 Alpha Bits 8 Depth Bits 24 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLWindowWin32::switchContext: Created OpenGL 3.3 compatibility context. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLGLManager::initExtensions: initExtensions() FramebufferObject-related procs... 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLGLManager::initExtensions: initExtensions() OcclusionQuery-related procs... 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLGLManager::initExtensions: initExtensions() TimerQuery-related procs... 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLGLManager::initExtensions: initExtensions() PointParameters-related procs... 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLGLManager::initExtensions: initExtensions() VertexShader-related procs... 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLFeatureManager::parseFeatureTable: Attempting to parse feature table from C:\Program Files\SecondLifeViewer\featuretable.txt 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLFeatureManager::parseGPUTable: Attempting to parse GPU table from C:\Program Files\SecondLifeViewer\gpu_table.txt 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLFeatureManager::parseGPUTable: GPU 'NVIDIA Corporation Quadro FX 1800M/PCIe/SSE2' recognized as 'NVIDIA Quadro FX' 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLFeatureManager::applyBaseMasks: Setting GPU Class to Class1 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLFeatureManager::maskFeatures: Applying GPU Feature list: Class1 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLFeatureManager::maskFeatures: Applying GPU Feature list: MapBufferRange 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLFeatureManager::maskFeatures: Applying GPU Feature list: VRAMGT512 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLViewerWindow::LLViewerWindow: LLVertexBuffer initialization done. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLFeatureManager::applyRecommendedSettings: Applying Recommended Features 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLFeatureManager::applyBaseMasks: Setting GPU Class to Class1 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLFeatureManager::maskFeatures: Applying GPU Feature list: Class1 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLFeatureManager::maskFeatures: Applying GPU Feature list: MapBufferRange 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLFeatureManager::maskFeatures: Applying GPU Feature list: VRAMGT512 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLFeatureManager::maskFeatures: Applying GPU Feature list: LowMid 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLBumpImageList::clear: Clearing dynamic bumpmaps. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLStandardBumpmap::clear: Clearing standard bumpmaps. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLStandardBumpmap::clear: Clearing standard bumpmaps. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLBumpImageList::clear: Clearing dynamic bumpmaps. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLStandardBumpmap::clear: Clearing standard bumpmaps. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLStandardBumpmap::clear: Clearing standard bumpmaps. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLBumpImageList::clear: Clearing dynamic bumpmaps. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLStandardBumpmap::clear: Clearing standard bumpmaps. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLStandardBumpmap::clear: Clearing standard bumpmaps. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLBumpImageList::clear: Clearing dynamic bumpmaps. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLStandardBumpmap::clear: Clearing standard bumpmaps. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLStandardBumpmap::clear: Clearing standard bumpmaps. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z WARNING: LLFeatureManager::applyFeatures: AHHH! Control setting WatchdogDisabled does not exist! 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLBumpImageList::clear: Clearing dynamic bumpmaps. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLStandardBumpmap::clear: Clearing standard bumpmaps. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLStandardBumpmap::clear: Clearing standard bumpmaps. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLViewerWindow::LLViewerWindow: Missing feature GL_ARB_depth_clamp. Void water might disappear in rare cases. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLViewerTextureList::updateMaxResidentTexMem: Total Video Memory set to: 512 MB 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLViewerTextureList::updateMaxResidentTexMem: Available Texture Memory set to: 384 MB 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLStandardBumpmap::clear: Clearing standard bumpmaps. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLStandardBumpmap::addstandard: Adding standard bumpmaps. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLStandardBumpmap::clear: Clearing standard bumpmaps. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLStandardBumpmap::addstandard: Adding standard bumpmaps. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLAppViewer::initWindow: gViewerwindow created. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLAppViewer::initWindow: watchdog setting is done. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLFontRegistry::createFont: createFont SansSerif size Medium style 0 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLControlGroup::saveToFile: Saved to C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\user_settings\settings.xml 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLBumpImageList::clear: Clearing dynamic bumpmaps. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLStandardBumpmap::clear: Clearing standard bumpmaps. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLStandardBumpmap::clear: Clearing standard bumpmaps. 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLViewerShaderMgr::setShaders: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Loading Shaders: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLViewerShaderMgr::setShaders: Using GLSL 3.30 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsVarsV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsVarsWaterV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsHelpersV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/lighting/lightFuncV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class2/lighting/sumLightsV.glsl (Want class 2) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/lighting/lightV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/lighting/lightFuncSpecularV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class2/lighting/sumLightsSpecularV.glsl (Want class 2) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/lighting/lightSpecularV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/avatar/avatarSkinV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/avatar/objectSkinV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/indexedTextureV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/nonindexedTextureV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsVarsF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsVarsWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/windlight/gammaF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/windlight/transportF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/environment/waterFogF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/lighting/lightNonIndexedF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/lighting/lightAlphaMaskNonIndexedF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightNonIndexedF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightNonIndexedAlphaMaskF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/lighting/lightWaterNonIndexedF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/lighting/lightWaterAlphaMaskNonIndexedF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightWaterNonIndexedF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightWaterNonIndexedAlphaMaskF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/lighting/lightShinyNonIndexedF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightShinyNonIndexedF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/lighting/lightShinyWaterNonIndexedF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightShinyWaterNonIndexedF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/lighting/lightF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/lighting/lightAlphaMaskF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightAlphaMaskF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/lighting/lightWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/lighting/lightWaterAlphaMaskF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightWaterAlphaMaskF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/lighting/lightShinyF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightShinyF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/lighting/lightShinyWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightShinyWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/environment/terrainV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/environment/terrainF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/environment/waterV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/environment/waterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/environment/waterV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/environment/underWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/environment/terrainV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/environment/terrainWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/effects/glowV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/effects/glowF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/effects/glowExtractV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/effects/glowExtractF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/highlightV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/highlightF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/highlightNormV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/highlightF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/highlightSpecV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/highlightF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/uiV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/uiF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/pathfindingV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/pathfindingF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/pathfindingNoNormalV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/pathfindingF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/customalphaV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/customalphaF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/splattexturerectV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/splattexturerectF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/glowcombineV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/glowcombineF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/glowcombineFXAAV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/glowcombineFXAAF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/twotextureaddV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/twotextureaddF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/onetexturenocolorV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/onetexturenocolorF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/solidcolorV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/solidcolorF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/occlusionV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/occlusionF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/occlusionCubeV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/occlusionF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/debugV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/debugF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/clipV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/clipF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/downsampleDepthV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/downsampleDepthF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/downsampleDepthV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/downsampleDepthRectF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/alphamaskV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/interface/alphamaskF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleTexGenV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleTexGenV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleNonIndexedV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleNonIndexedV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleNoColorV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleNoColorV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/treeV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/treeV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/emissiveV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/emissiveV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightNoColorV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightNoColorV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/shinyV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/shinyF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/shinyWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/shinyV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightShinyV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightShinyF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightShinyV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightShinyWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/impostorV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/impostorF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/previewV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/previewF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/bumpV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/bumpF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/emissiveV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/emissiveV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/shinyV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/shinyF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/shinyWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/shinyV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightShinyV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightShinyF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightShinyV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightShinyWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleSkinnedV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightSkinnedV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/emissiveSkinnedV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/emissiveSkinnedV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightShinySkinnedV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightShinyF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/shinySimpleSkinnedV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/shinyF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleSkinnedV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightSkinnedV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightShinySkinnedV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/fullbrightShinyWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/shinySimpleSkinnedV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/shinyWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/avatar/avatarV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/avatar/avatarF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/avatar/avatarV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/objects/simpleWaterF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/avatar/pickAvatarV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/avatar/pickAvatarF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/avatar/eyeballV.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:11Z INFO: LLShaderMgr::loadShaderFile: Loading file: shaders/class1/avatar/eyeballF.glsl (Want class 1) 2013-10-18T14:38:12Z INFO: LLStandardBumpmap::clear: Clearing standard bumpmaps. 2013-10-18T14:38:12Z INFO: LLStandardBumpmap::addstandard: Adding standard bumpmaps. 2013-10-18T14:38:12Z INFO: LLAppViewer::initWindow: gPipeline Initialized 2013-10-18T14:38:12Z INFO: LLControlGroup::saveToFile: Saved to C:\Users\keith.reeves\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\user_settings\settings.xml 2013-10-18T14:38:12Z INFO: LLFontRegistry::createFont: createFont SansSerif size Small style 0 2013-10-18T14:38:12Z INFO: LLFontRegistry::createFont: createFont Monospace size Monospace style 0 2013-10-18T14:38:12Z INFO: LLFontRegistry::createFont: createFont SansSerif size Huge style 0 2013-10-18T14:38:12Z INFO: LLFontRegistry::createFont: createFont SansSerif size Large style 0 2013-10-18T14:38:12Z INFO: LLFontRegistry::createFont: createFont SansSerif size Small style 0 2013-10-18T14:38:12Z INFO: LLFontRegistry::createFont: createFont SansSerif size Small style 1 2013-10-18T14:38:12Z INFO: LLFontRegistry::createFont: createFont SansSerif size Small style 1 2013-10-18T14:38:12Z INFO: LLFontRegistry::createFont: -- matching font exists: SansSerif size Small style 1 2013-10-18T14:38:12Z WARNING: LLUICtrl::initCommitCallback: No callback found for: 'Edit.Cut' in control: Cut 2013-10-18T14:38:12Z WARNING: LLUICtrl::initCommitCallback: No callback found for: 'Edit.Copy' in control: Copy 2013-10-18T14:38:12Z WARNING: LLUICtrl::initCommitCallback: No callback found for: 'Edit.Paste' in control: Paste 2013-10-18T14:38:12Z INFO: LLMediaCtrl::handleVisibilityChange: visibility changed to false 2013-10-18T14:38:12Z INFO: LLFontRegistry::createFont: createFont SansSerif size Large style 0 2013-10-18T14:38:12Z INFO: LLAppViewer::initWindow: Window initialization done. 2013-10-18T14:38:12Z INFO: LLAppViewer::init: Window is initialized. 2013-10-18T14:38:12Z INFO: LLGLManager::printGLInfoString: GL_VENDOR: NVIDIA Corporation 2013-10-18T14:38:12Z INFO: LLGLManager::printGLInfoString: GL_RENDERER: Quadro FX 1800M/PCIe/SSE2 2013-10-18T14:38:12Z INFO: LLGLManager::printGLInfoString: GL_VERSION: 3.3.0
  8. Caveat: I'm a professional technologist, so I'm able to follow directions effectively when it comes to the usual fixes, and am opening a new thread on this very old problem in the hopes that someone else has identified one of the "rare outliers" that might be the problem here. I have a Dell Precision M4500 with a freshly-installed, clean, authentic copy of Windows 7 Professional, running all of the latest, updated drivers, including the most recent NVidia drivers from NVidia, not from Microsoft or Dell. I have disabled or made appropriate exceptions for antivirus and firewall software. I have downloaded and installed a fresh copy of the latest Second Life Viewer, and SL hangs on "Initializing VFS" every single time. I delete the Second Life folders from AppData, both Local and Roaming, uninstall, reboot, reinstall, relaunch, same thing. I fiddle about with cache clearing and re-checking all of my exceptions and such until I get frustrated, and then I give up, wipe the drive, and start over again from scratch. I have repeated the entire procedure above, including completely reinstalling the operating system three times. (Yes, doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result is insanity, I know.) I've tried the Dell-provided graphics drivers, the Microsoft update-downloaded drivers, the latest NVidia drivers, the previous NVidia driver version... you name it, I've done it at this point in terms of graphics drivers. I've ensured that there are no remnant drivers or DLL files that shouldn't be there. The program detects hardware just fine. The program process is running 90-120K memory in Task Manager when it hangs, and throws error code AppHangB1, and reads hang type 0, hang signature 6858. What, specifically, could be interfering with the Viewer's ability to initialize the Virtual File System after first-time installation? What things should I be looking for or items should I be investigating? I've done some reading on the SL VFS, but am unsure as to what could conflict to cause such behavior, having addressed all of the usual culprits. I am assuming that the SL viewer is downloading uncorrupted, as I've downloaded it from a couple of different locations using a reliable, uninterrupted connection, and get the same result. Thank you to anyone who has some technical insight beyond "cache clearing worked for me." I've gotten a lot of shrugs, "I don't knows," and "reinstall Windows and start over" suggestions. The phrase "yeah, no kidding" comes to mind. ;) LOL thank you everyone! Sorry to raise the ghost of the VFS monster, but I'm really, genuinely stumped. I'm no slouch, I think, and this isn't my first rodeo, but this bull is bucking me big time.
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