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Everything posted by LaVerria

  1. I've completed the "Find Tyrah's Workshop in the basecamp and walk inside" quest, but I can't get the next quest. I've tried different portals, different realms, and different viewers, with and without HUDs and scripts other than the Linden Realms HUD. What's going on?
  2. I know I'm necroing an old thread, but this has to be said. What you're all experiencing isn't a bug, you've simply ran out of quests.
  3. I'm now using Singilarity, and I must say it does seem a little faster.
  4. I'm looking for a Second Life viewer, something better than the vanilla one. I'm looking for a viewer that strikes a balance between a high number of features and a low amount of lag. Does the vanilla viewer meet these demands, or is there a third-party viewer that's better?
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