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Posts posted by bateliii

  1. I feel that even though there are breathtaking mesh heads and skins in all styles, it still doesn't feel easy to create a standout and unique look.

    On Flickr you can see a wide variety of different avatars but when looking at their faces, they all have the same base idea of beauty in mind. Foxy eye shape, heart shaped lips, high arch eyebrows and small nose.

    The unique ones I have seen usually having interesting facial features, like sharp crooked nose, oblong face, bushy eyebrows and skin add-ons.

    I've been trying for a while to create a different face that doesn't include thick lips or an overly doll face, but I don't like the results.

    Thin lips always look like pursed lips and different head shape always makes my avatar look older. I want my avatar to look 20/mind 20s.

    How do you think people get inspiration when working on their avatar?

    And is there any tool that can be used?
    For example a face generator that gives random numbers to the face and we will adjust everything to our liking. Just like in Sims 2.

    • Like 1
  2. I hope this is the right place to open this topic.
    I don't know how SL is different from other virtual worlds out there. But there are games like VRchat that gives the player an option of a house to return to.
    In SL everything costs money (a lot of money) and in-game currency is not really a thing, unless you have a job or successful business.
    Since my first day in SL I don't understand why we didn't get a private place that we could call home. A place to rezz things in instead of looking for a sandbox. Change clothes, work on our shape freely instead of looking for an empty place to do so. And so on. The minimum is to get a completely empty place, not necessarily a furnished house. Just a place that will only be yours.
    Why do you think free houses don't exist in SL?

  3. Hello, I am looking for a professional designer with experience in designing 3D clothing who are able to teach me how to make clothes for my store.
    I'm a complete beginner and using Blender. I will need you to teach me how to design, UV-mapping, rigging or anything else that is needed.
    The mesh body we are going to work on is MeshBody Classic (Female).
    I am looking for a patient, considerate, nice and pleasant teacher.
    We can make a call on Discord while studying. Regarding the payment, we can discuss everything in a private chat.

    If you think you can take the position and teach me 3D design, please contact me: bateliii Resident.
    Thank you!

  4. Whether you are a store owner, a blogger, or just curious about seeing other people's work.
    What do you think makes the blogger better than the others?
    Are these mostly the people with the imaginative pictures? Or the people with straightforward pictures but with good quality?

    And for the criticism line, what do you think makes the blogger less interesting/appealing?

  5. I'm trying to create texture hud for my mesh nails (Legacy).
    I'm using an old script that i used before but for some reason it doesn't work.

    The sender script which is as follows:
    integer channel = 32996;

        touch_start(integer num_detected)
            llSay(channel, llGetLinkName(llDetectedLinkNumber(0)));

    Is inside the hud.

    And the receiver script is inside the object, having multi textures UUID i can put. The first lines are going like this as an example:


    integer channel = 32996;

        changed(integer change)
            if (change & CHANGED_OWNER)
            llListen(channel, "", NULL_KEY, "");

        listen(integer channel, string senderName, key id, string message)
            if (llGetOwnerKey(id) == llGetOwner())
                if (message == "1")
                    llSetTexture("be35d82d-c16f-091d-a446-92fead94f8dd", ALL_SIDES);


    The instructions I remember, name the prim similar to the number in the script so it can find the texture UUID. I can click on the hud but it's does not work.

    I'm sure I'm missing something or doing something wrong.

    Any help will be appreciated.

  6. 8 hours ago, Cougar Sangria said:

    I have been an independent blogger since I started back in 2013.  Everything I blog, I have purchased myself.  I say everything...except for this past holiday season when an all time favorite designer returned to the grid and put out a call in group for bloggers/photographers. I have never been interested in playing the game of who and how many sponsors I have.  Compared to the majority of bloggers out there I am not a prolific blogger, but that is what I like about being a independent blogger.  I blog what I want, when I want:)  Blogging/photography is another creative outlet for me and I love showing off the outfits I have bought.  Blogging what you already have in your inventory/closet is sound advice.  Start from there, and as you can afford it, buy new things and blog them.  Build up a portfolio, so to speak, of your favorite designers.  And most important of all, is to have fun!  

    Thank you for sharing your story!

    I do enjoy taking pictures and trying out new stuff as well. Being an independent blogger actually sounds interesting and not limiting, but I wonder; Does it really matter how often we post?
    Posting once a week or once in several weeks isn't going to drop in popularity, is it?

    • Like 1
  7. It's been several years that I've been thinking about becoming a blogger but I haven't done anything about it, mostly because of a money problem.

    In the last year I have noticed that the prices are rising, everything is so expensive. One shirt or a shoe that comes in a single color is tagged with a price of a one-piece dress. Leaving me paying over 700 Lindes just for clothes.

    I read and watched bloggers that explain the process of becoming a blogger, and they said that we don't have to buy anything new but to use "old" clothes that we forgot about.
    They point out that you have to be active on the blog once or twice a week for several months, if I'm not mistaken for 5 months to be accepted for a position for a certain store.


    The thing I'm worried about; if I use clothes that were made a year or two ago, what are the chances that someone will be interested in this and wait for the next post just to see another "irrelevant/ old" outfit?

    It leaves me with the thought that maybe certain stores will reject me just because of it.

    I could use my new clothes, but I don't have a lot. Also I don't have the financial ability to buy something new every week or two, especially when the price is reaching a thousand Linden.


    Is it even worth trying?
    I would love to read your opinions.


  8. My avatar is always around 24,500 or less complexity without jewelry.
    The complexity can go crazy because of one item, usually a hair or very high detailed jewelry.
     I have one mesh hair that raises the complexity number to 140k (!) and one piece of bangs that are over 4000.
    Check every item you wear, usually items with lots of scripts cause this. Even the smallest item can be so high.

    • Like 1
  9. After searching for hourglass body shape or just a natural looking body myself, Maitreya is the best one. Second option is Legacy Perky.
    Reborn mesh body is very close to them but the thighs are very thick. I checked Maitreya outfits on Reborn but the lower part is way too big to match it.
    In my opinion it is not worth buying another body when Maitreya  is the best mesh body out there, without any bugs or problems with clothes.
    I doubt anyone will release a new body similar to our expectations when curvy shapes are popular at the moment.
    But personally I prefer to wait just in case.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Nuuna Nitely said:

    Hi! I but a lot of eyes. So I took a look at your store.

    Some points:
    * Bom eyes are fine, I still use bom eyes from 10 years ago. 
    * Your ADs look too photoshopped, I don't really get the idea what the eyes would look like in world. 
    * For the price I want a demo

    If you only rely on Marketplace for exposure then it's going to be difficult. There's a lot of Asian themed events out there that your products would suit well. Also promoting on flickr and now twitter good be useful. 

    The only thing that is photoshopped is the model of the eyes. I do not change anything related to the product.
    I thought the price was relatively cheap compared to other stores that sell for over 300 linden or 140+ for single eye color.
    I will consider your suggestions, thanks for your response.

  11. I had to close my store inworld around 2 years ago and my items are available on marketplace since then.
    I'm making eyes in various styles, make up and some mesh items.
    But I stopped creating mesh because I find it hard, mostly because of my impatience to learn. So my aim is to make the same things I did before.
    The problem is that quite oddly for more than a year I have no customers.
    I added 3 old items for free and almost every day I get an email from marketplace to inform me of a customer purchase. But other than these three items, the other items are not sold maybe only once every few months.
    This is a situation where I don't know if the quality of my items are poor or because of the popularity of other creators, mesh creators to be exact.

    After looking at popular stores like Avi-Glam, I believe many users tend to change their eyes from time to time. But no luck for me..
    Do I have to give up the store?

  12. I'm looking for a short and natural looking nails. I don't like Maitreya default nails, the mesh seems a bit off and plain on the hand. Sellers on marketplace and popular stores inworld are selling way too long ones. And short nails are usually comes with simple coloring.
    One of my favorite creators has created nails in the style that I'm looking for but created it only for men.
    Have you seen a store that sells transparent nails? Please let me know!




  13. If you are still searching, here is what comes to mind: Utopia Skins, ODIO , { Pity Party },  more more.
    It could be that the skin is from one of these stores; its quality is quite similar to the style.
    If I'm not mistaken, she's wearing the Legacy body. It can help you find the stores who are creating body appliers for Legacy.

  14. Ever since I can remember myself on the internet I have preferred texts messages. There are times I am almost certain that this is my social anxiety and not something that I really prefer.
    There was a time, a whole year when my ex-spouse encouraged me to speak on voice, with him and with friends and strangers for fun (Outside of SL).
    It changed my communication ability a lot, I felt much more free while talking and knowing that the other person is listening and answering right away, makes the atmosphere feel really good and fun.
    Personally makes me feel adrenaline because of the anxiety that makes communication feel intimidating at times, especially on voice.
    Since that experience I can say that it is more comfortable to speak on voice and at the same time doing something in the background.
    In my opinion only few people can really share their emotions in the way we can understand them right.
    They mostly talk a lot in conversation and share their knowledge, their vocabulary is wide so they can explain in a precise word almost anything. I tend to enjoy chatting with them more even when I'm tired of texting.
    • Like 1
  15. Before the purchase i checked the details about this body and realized that it is necessary to buy Alpha if i want to use certain clothes. i bought this alpha pack: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Alpha-911-RLV-Alpha-HUD-240-BOM-Alphas-Inithium-Kupra-Slink-Hourglass-Redux-BOM-Mesh-Bodies-Classic-Avatar/20697039
    And made a hud that comes with it but even though i use the hud, I'm still wearing the alphas. it's not working like Maitreya hud for example, where it works with a script.

    The alpha doesn't cover certain areas even if i choose the right area (I need to wear more than 10 Alpha layers), it's frustrating and wastes a lot of time. i didn't think it would be like that.

    I currently don't have clothes designed for this body, so I am trying to combine with slightly larger clothes.

    I talked to someone from the support team and understood from them that they don't plan to make an alpha hud, but to use clothes that are designed for the body and since BOM is here then there is no need for alpha anymore.

    If you are using Kupra, what hud are you using?
    And what do you suggest?


  16. Hello,

    I know how to edit second life pictures in photoshop.
    the basics editing.. shadow and highlights and soft painting.
    I'm not a designer like talented designers here but,  i wonder if i can do something with what i know.
    Designers sell their work for l$2000 or more.
    My question is whether beginners like me can get clients?
    We have a chance?


  17. Hi,

    I'm looking for a custom skin creator , someone who knows how to make realistic skin.

    The specific look i want is asian (i will give all the details with pictures).

    Does anyone here know a reliable creator who can be trusted. . ? someone is looking for a client (?)

    Please contact me. make my day.

    Thank you.

  18. Hi,

    inworld i can't find realistic asian skins.

    on marketplace there's a full perm head and skin, but i want to use with my bento head. .

    Where can i find a reliable person to do custom skin for me ?


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