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Posts posted by TReardon

  1. Yes reclogging does fix it. I was also partially able to fix it by using undeform avatar and force appearance update under avatar health without reclogging. But the eyes were still popped out of the head so I had to relog anyway. Probably right that it has something to do with physics layers. I'll try puttering in that direction and see if I can figure anything out. Thanks! :-)

  2. This is a heart rending story - it is too bad that the small minds are able to drive out a warm caring person like that. I also am a male with a female avi. I have always played females in ANY game where that is an option. It has nothing whatsoever to do with getting into someone's drawers - it has to do with wanting to be comfortable with who I am inside. I have a male avi - he is not me and I am not comfortable playing him. Frankly, I have had only two people that I've been really close to and before it went too far I told them. One is now a FB friend as well. There are so many crass, self righteous bigots in SL it is sickening. But since I choose my friends based not on their age, race, nationality, sex, sexual preference, or any other meaningless category that people wish to use to justify their narrow minds, I have quite a few good friends and two that are totally special.

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