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Tallulah Bilavio

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Posts posted by Tallulah Bilavio

  1. 2 hours ago, Tallulah Bilavio said:

    I have been in SL for 14 years with  no incident.  I tried twice today (8 Oct 2023) to buy Lindens through my account page.

    I was presented with a form to fill out asking for details of my account and there seem to be pages of it.

    Reading through I noticed headings  like "Tax" and "Earnings" and a mention of "how much you earn" or wording similarly intrusive sounding.  I have never been asked such personal and in depth questions before in all the years I've been in SL.  I stopped filling it in and did not buy Lindens.  

    This form  goes on for pages asking for information.

    I am not willing to fill in a huge questionnaire just to buy some Lindens which are paid for immediately by my debit card.

    If I am misunderstanding something (which is not unheard of) can someone please enlighten me.  My details haven't changed.  I've never had a problem.  My account and card are clean.

    Thanking you in advance.



    Tallulah Bilavio



  2. I have been in SL for 14 years with  no incident.  I tried twice today (8 Oct 2023) to buy Lindens through my account page.

    I was presented with a form to fill out asking for details of my account and there seem to be pages of it.

    Reading through I noticed headings  like "Tax" and "Earnings" and a mention of "how much you earn" or wording similarly intrusive sounding.  I have never been asked such personal and in depth questions before in all the years I've been in SL.  I stopped filling it in and did not buy Lindens.  

    This form  goes on for pages asking for information.

    I am not willing to fill in a huge questionnaire just to buy some Lindens which are paid for immediately by my debit card.

    If I am misunderstanding something (which is not unheard of) can someone please enlighten me.  My details haven't changed.  I've never had a problem.  My account and card are clean.

    Thanking you in advance.



    Tallulah Bilavio


  3. Am I correct in thinking that if I wish to put a swimming pool on my land with its own water, it needs to go on a raised deck to avoid the sim water?  The store Im considering buying from is in the sky so their sample pools are flush with the ground with no sim water to worry about.  Any advice gratefully received.  I am not what you'd call an experienced builder lol.

  4. I bought wedding rings from a well known and popular jewellery seller I once thought were the best in SL.  I bought them from the store as opposed to on MP.  The store purported that the rings  would work with Bento if you attached them to the left ring finger and then edited them into the correct position.  They do not work and the rings do not move with the finger but remain in mid air.  I took their word, being that they are one of the most popular and prominent stores in SL and the notice "Works with Bento!" was plastereed all over the store.

    I have written to the head of this Store, both in game and on their "one day reply" Facebook Page.  I have written three times without the courtesy of a reply.  I attached a copy of the entry in my Linden transactions showing that I did indeed purchase them and I gave at least two weeks for reply each time in case of holiday or illness.

    L$2,499 is not a small amount to just write off because a store gave me false assurances and are now refusing to communicate with me.  This is not good conduct.

    Support Tickets do not seem to cover this kind of complaint.  Can anyone please give me some advice as to how to proceed.  I am loathe to just forget about it, not just because of the money, but I don't believe people should get away with this kind of behaviour and ignore a customer and keep their money under circumstances like these. I have now bought different rings which fit and work perfectly.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you :)

    • Thanks 1
  5. Am I correct in thinking that we will have to strip back down to a test male or female avatar covered with a mesh avatar we download along with all its "faces"?  What happens to our mesh bodies, e.g., Maitreya?  Do we have to detach it and wear the downloaded mesh one for BoM and switch bodies when not using BoM or can the Maitreya look be baked on as another layer?   If I cant make the BoM avatar look like my Maitreya I think Ill leave it all well alone.

  6. Maitreya badly needs to update the body alpha.  Some pieces are just too big, for instance, the huge section at the back which is in the position of a bra or a crop top but is way too big for that garment and if you need to alpha that bit, you can see the gap way above the bra or crop top because of the size of that section.  Also in the front where you may need to alpha the sides of your boobs, it goes way up to the armpit and a little to the front and can be seen from every angle.  So you have to leave your boobs showing through your top.  It may be a pain to have too many tiny sections but it would look much better if you could alpha these areas and not have it show on other areas...if you see what I mean. 

    • Like 1
  7. I get so annoyed when a private property is set in an otherwise public place and there is no notice.  You cant always tell that you've wandered onto someone's home by mistake.  In addition, I hate those security orbs that teleport you home!  Just outside the border of your property is quite enough thank you.  

    Hmm this isn't where I meant to post this.  Hope I haven't infringed any rules.


  8. I’ve recently taken up SL sailing. On the whole I’m having fun but....I don’t get this idea that if you stand up on your boat it disappears back into your inventory.  I understand that we don’t want loads of boats left behind by irresponsible people and a return may be necessary.  However, having bought a nice swanky boat, I find I have to jump from seat to seat via the menu or the boat is gone.  I want to walk about and enjoy it and see the interior.  I would have thought that as long as your avi is on the boat that should be enough to keep it there. Why must it be seated?  I’m guessing that SL powers can only follow seated avies?   Then of course if I want to explore an island I can’t without losing the boat and then I have to find a Rez Zone.   Am I missing something or is this really how it is?

  9. I seem to remember you used to be able to set different Windlights to different heights of a parcel by specifying one up to so high and then from that height upwards a different one.  Does anyone else remember this or did I dream it lol?  Does anyone remember how to do it and is it still possible with all of the changes that have happened in SL?  Thanks in  advance for any replies :) 

  10. Ive noticed recently that when I wear a lower applier layer my pants or skirt splits under the buttocks when I walk and you can see skin.  Obviously I can't alpha anything if I'm wearing an applier layer and this is a recent problem.  Ive never had this problem until now.  Im wearing a Maitreya mesh body.  Ive no idea what is causing it or how to fix it.  Im unable to wear an applier layer on my lower half without this occurring.  My shape isn't overly large.  Any ideas anyone please?

  11. I sometimes find that the Maitreya hud itself wont open so i made a copy of it in the folder. then if the one on screen doesnt work i add the copy and that works. you can turn the layers on and off or buy a hud which clears all layers. otherwise you just add the garment you want to wear and it replaces the one you dont want.

  12. I dont think Maitreya make a head for their mesh body. when youre ready to explore you can buy skins that come with appliers which add the skin to the mesh body. i wear Esode skins with my Maitreya. you need to wear the skin as you would normally so that the head is wearing it. then you add the applier which appears on your screen, click on the same skin as your head is wearing and your mesh body will be dressed in the same skin, and head and body will match. this probably sounds very complicated to someone new to SL so take time to get to know about adding and detaching things from your SL body, changing skins, hair etc before you attempt this. good luck and enjoy SL

  13. Thanks everyone for your replies which have been most helpful.  Now i can see the position a bit more from the viewpoint of the designer.  I still am not sure how you can make an outfit compatible with Maitreya but not the shoes but hey ho im learning every day.

    Thanks for your help...hugs




  14. Hi Sassy

    Thanks for your reply and I understand what you are saying and it is fair comment.  I can see how a merchant cant cover every choice out there.  

    From my completely "know nothing of clothes making" point of view however, it is maddening to find an outfit compatible with my body and then find the shoes are for Slink only and feel i am being strong armed into buying Slink High and Slink Mid to cover the situation.  I just feel that's not right.  The shoes should fit as the outfit does.

    Until something is worked out tho, I suppose I will be going out in a Frankenstein mix of Maitreya and Slink (if i buy the feet) or finding different shoes...sigh....


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