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Posts posted by MargeKinson

  1. Hm, well I keep getting an error. Sorry...apparently I'm as dumb as I look...:matte-motes-sour:

    This is the script someone gave me to make the record spin.

    integer spinning;// = FALSE; default{    touch_start(integer num_detected)    {    //  toggle between TRUE (1) and FALSE (0)        spinning = !spinning;         if (spinning)// is on turn it off            llTargetOmega(ZERO_VECTOR, (float)FALSE, (float)FALSE);         else// turn it back on            llTargetOmega(<0.0, 0.0, 1.0>, -PI_BY_TWO, -0.01);    }}
  2. Hello!

    I have a record player and I would like it to do the following:


    1. The record spins when the item is touched
    2. The player plays a looped sound when the item is touched

    Getting the record to spin was easy enough but then I thought it would be cool if it also played a bit of looped music or a looped sound when you touched the player (in addition to the record spinning round and round).

    The issue is getting that to happen.

    I managed (sort of) but you have to click the record for it to spin and then the player for the sound but ideally I would like the spinning and sound to work simultaneously (and for it to be able to be turned on and off with a click).

    I tried a pass touch script but it said funny things like…

    Object: If you touch me again I'm telling. Object: My child tells me you touched it. Abuse report pending.

    Also I couldn’t get it to work correctly anyway. So if anyone has any ideas on how I could make my player spin and play a looped sound, I would appreciate it. :matte-motes-smitten:

  3. Well I suppose I can't be 100% certain that he read it however it does say he received my inventory offer the day after I sent it. I understand what you are saying about being patient but there is a timer on the ad board and the days are ticking away. I also know I could lose more money than $236 but why should I lose it at all. I paid for a service, I should receive that service and to top it off after my time expires then someone else will rent that broken board and he'll take their money too.

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