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Everything posted by MargeKinson

  1. Hm, well I keep getting an error. Sorry...apparently I'm as dumb as I look...:matte-motes-sour: This is the script someone gave me to make the record spin. integer spinning;// = FALSE; default{ touch_start(integer num_detected) { // toggle between TRUE (1) and FALSE (0) spinning = !spinning; if (spinning)// is on turn it off llTargetOmega(ZERO_VECTOR, (float)FALSE, (float)FALSE); else// turn it back on llTargetOmega(<0.0, 0.0, 1.0>, -PI_BY_TWO, -0.01); }}
  2. Hello! I have a record player and I would like it to do the following: The record spins when the item is touchedThe player plays a looped sound when the item is touchedGetting the record to spin was easy enough but then I thought it would be cool if it also played a bit of looped music or a looped sound when you touched the player (in addition to the record spinning round and round). The issue is getting that to happen. I managed (sort of) but you have to click the record for it to spin and then the player for the sound but ideally I would like the spinning and sound to work simultaneously (and for it to be able to be turned on and off with a click). I tried a pass touch script but it said funny things like… Object: If you touch me again I'm telling. Object: My child tells me you touched it. Abuse report pending. Also I couldn’t get it to work correctly anyway. So if anyone has any ideas on how I could make my player spin and play a looped sound, I would appreciate it. :matte-motes-smitten:
  3. A friend of mine uses the Singularity viewer and wants to give rights to someone so they can edit their objects but can't seem to figure out how. Any help would be appreciated. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  4. He didn't accept it right away, it was the day after I sent him the NC that I received a message that he had received my inventory offer.
  5. Well I suppose I can't be 100% certain that he read it however it does say he received my inventory offer the day after I sent it. I understand what you are saying about being patient but there is a timer on the ad board and the days are ticking away. I also know I could lose more money than $236 but why should I lose it at all. I paid for a service, I should receive that service and to top it off after my time expires then someone else will rent that broken board and he'll take their money too.
  6. Yes, however it is the texture that is not showing up. You can get the LM but without a texture on the board I doubt many people would click for a LM. My sister rented an ad board there too and hers is working and I was the one that loaded it, so I think there must just be a glitch in the one I rented. Thanks for the suggestion though.
  7. What should I do about the guy that rents these ad boards? He took my $236 L and the board doesn't work. I contacted him asking him if he could fix the board or refund my lindens. He read my notecard but he never returned my money or fixed the board. Help...
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