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  1. I removed all animations reset them and then reapplied them and it works better now. i'll post my comp stats in a little while.
  2. Is there a way to reorder clothing and especially accessories on an avatar? I have an issue where a tattoo is set to the accessory or add on. When attached it appears above the shirt layer. So you can see the tattoo like it is printed on the shirt. (kind of neat if I had wanted that and I was wearing long sleeves. Can I set it to be behind it?
  3. First, I am pretty new to SL sp if you would please walk through steps that would be awesome. My issue is that my walking AO breaks at franks place. All others inclusding other walking animations work just not the one that I want. when am using it my av stiffens up like a board, hands at his side and just slides everywhere. Well, that is what I see anyway. I am using Phoenix Firestorm as my viewer. Any suggestions please?
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