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  1. SL may feel real but its still a game thats played by gamers, or people wanting a escape from RL.What SL is doing is bad for the game it is and for the majority of people who join it.Compared to other games similar to it and are better quality both game play wise and graphics.SL is over charging its user(or rather other users are). Nothing on SL should be 200 anything.Games like The Sims,GTA,Minecraft,and various MMorpg. Make SL pricing look over charged.Hell the site imvu is far more available then this site is and its the same type of site. (although I left imvu because the community sucks and I can do more on here well...The stuff I can afford to do anyway..)Theres no excuse,its a over priced for its content and well outdated in many ways. This isn't real,and games aren't successful on milking profits or letting customers milk other customers dry. A game needs to be enjoyable for all,because thats what keeps a game popular and keeps users active,thats what a game does,thier fun hobbies.A hobby that feels like work isnt fun and you stop doing the hobby because of this.A hobby thats hard to access is a bad hobby and becomes enjoyed by a selected few that can not fund it over time.If we are going to talk business then lets be hoenst here. For a mostly outdated game it charges more then games that are on console and PC this generation and how old is SL now? If The Sims pulled any of the same tactics SL does with land and teir?Do you think that game would be as successful as it is now and always has been? If GTA did the same would it have the same success?What about minecraft?These games have made more money or are more popular and are avaialble to more people for less then what SL (And SL users)charge the users in these games.Maybe SL should do the same? Everytime I see ban lines,empty or one person sims,rentals everywhere,and beatiful public sims closeing down because of cost? ( I watched 15 sims I love to visit die because of this reason)All it does is kill my reasons to enjoy the site,and reasons to log on( I have great friends and I'm creative so I enjoy messing with my avatar and frankly many days thats the only reason I log on at all). Hanging with friends only go so far when you run out of places to hang with them in. Exploring only goes so far when everything is rentals,ban lines,security orbs, and property you can't afford not to mention bad sim crossings. SL is over priced for what it offers as there are sites and games that offer the same thing for free and are doing better then this site is. I understand alot of people are trying to or indeed do make a lot of money off this site.(And don't get me wrong I am thankful for the many people who make content but lets be honest here) I'm sorry but they should ask to work for linden or do it for hobby reasons only.People are making money off of MODing the game they did not create and selling the MODs. People are making money off of buying a piece of the game they did not create and selling it back to other consumers for twice as much.That is basicly in a nutshell what people are justifying and seems especially so in your comment because that in a nutshell is what this is,and well everyone should try thinking this? Next time you go to play any PC/console game that allows you to own land and mod but doesn't charge you more then once or at all?Think about that game and think if you would play it if it did?Would it be fun or would you quit if it did? (Also I am aware some of the games I mention do require a charge for these features,but the difference is its a ONE time charge.Especially with sims,I still have sims two and all my expasion packs and mods. I don't have to keep paying anything so as long as I have disc /download content avaialble that I bought when I bought the game. I have if for life.Considering the amount of content SL has? I honestly think SL having a download for the main game and your avatar and a sim to call your own for good would give long time users that have spend 4 figures and up a needed sense of security.Would be nice to know all that I spent on my avi and all that I own I can have as a down load for good. Just food for thought because most games do that,and its part of why people buy them and keep playing them.Its important for a customer to own what they purchase. )
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