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Posts posted by EstellaSerrano

  1. Are there any plans to make a queue or maybe enlarge the amount of people able to get in one region? I've been trying to get into Uber ever since it opened. I've left my computer running with an auto-teleporter for almost 20 hours now since I didn't really need the computer for anything else. And I haven't been able to get in yet. I know I'm going to get in eventually once the hype dies down, but it'd be nice to test all the demos available as well.

  2. So, I noticed that some people managed to have realistic physics for the breasts, on a mesh body. Even during adult animations. I'm wondering how, considering my avatar's breasts are just like solid rock on my chest when I'm moving around the world. Despite wearing physics in Firestorm Viewer.

  3. I'd like to thank you both so much for the assistance. The issue was indeed the eye-tracking to my cursor as I moved it around. I turned the tracking off, and they quit going all over. :)

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  4. Yes, my lookat is blocked in Firestorm. Well! Seems like I'll be sticking to Firestorm. Not like there's anything wrong with Firestorm, just wanted to use Black Dragon for picture making. But no point if eyes roll all over the place. :D 

  5. I've tested Black Dragon viewer. Absolutely love it. Strange thing, though. My avatar's eyes are going all over the place, literally. They are supposed to go around a bit due to animations, AO and the eyes itself. But they are literally turning around unrealistically and just.. going all over the place. While in Firestorm and other viewers, the eyes are just fine.

  6. I've got a question regarding windlight settings. I often find myself struggling with the windlight settings, because it usually shows my avatar with either super pale, glowing skin or yellow skin or something inbetween. My graphics are all the way bumped up. Texture bumpiness is also fine, resolution is fine. I just cannot find any good windlight setting. 

    I'm looking for a windlight setting that I can use to roleplay with. That is both realistic, not too bright but also makes my avi's skin come off as normally pale. As it is supposed to be, in this pictures below. (credits to images go to where it's due, of course. To the people who they belong to, on flickr). (it's the skin I'm actually using, I'm aware it might be edited but still). Because currently my skin ends up looking like these: https://imgur.com/a/C2HYVz5


    Nimoe *Maria*


  7. Yes, I've got that in general when customizing my avi. I'm always ripping my hair out to no end because it's just so difficult. Especially when you don't know every good store out there. And thank you for the lenghty explanation, Skell. I will have to try a lot of demos for the different bento heads. I've tried Catwa and Lelutka bento heads so far, not a big fan of Genesis Lab.

  8. Thank you for the many replies! I've checked out the link ChinRey sent, which has been a bit helpful but it's still quite difficult. 

    As for the mesh head, I've just been testing some mesh heads myself yesterday. Just to mess around, slapped some old skins I had laying around on it and so forth. It's not a very unique look but I like it. I'm uncertain if I'll go with it, as Chase01 and many others advised me, go with bento. And this head I'm wearing on the image below is the CATWA Destiny static one. So yeah.. I am looking for something unique, something adorable but mature. I've tried quite a few demos of bento mesh heads as well, but they are also rather difficult to use because often when applying a shape and skin they end up looking very similar to the static mesh head I already have. Odd.

    And don't worry, Rhonda! I appreciate the help.

    I've checked Strawberry Singh's blog a lot of times as well. It's helpful, can't say it helped make up my mind about which mesh head to choose yet though! 



  9. Hello everyone!

    I've been on SL for quite some time. I'm a roleplayer and I'm trying to make my avatar as realistic as possible in SecondLife. My avatars are usually quite natural in appearance and not on edge. What I've always found difficult from of day 1 in SecondLife was finding my personal style within SecondLife. It's always a matter of mixing, matching. Buying a lot of things before you get things right but for someone on a budget, that's not always possible. Someone like me. I've had the bad experience of purchasing things in the past but they ended up looking way different in my viewer than they did on other peoples viewers (using Nam's Optimal Skin & Prim windlight setting), or because the creator used photoshop on the advertisement image.

    Right now I'm on a project of customizing this avatar but I'm always stuck on which mesh head and mesh body to use. I currently have CATWA Annie, but this mesh head is what I have on my other avatar as well and it makes the avatars look similar regardless of applier and that's something I do not want, I've considered a bento mesh head but unfortunately I'm not good with shapes and I'm anxious if it doesn't work out the way I want, I'll not be satisfied: and a bento head is quite a bit of money for a student so.. I'm basically looking for some people to advise me, maybe even give recommendations or just to help me. 

    To make it easier for people to advise/help/recommendate me anything, I'll make a few lists of what I already have, what I need help with and so forth. 

    I'm in the posession of: 

    Maitreya Lara Mesh Body

    CATWA Annie Human Mesh Head

    What I need help with: 

    My Shape

    A new mesh head

    Appliers for body & head

    (Maybe) A new mesh body

    (Maybe) Hair


    I've got a reference image as for what I'm basically going for. Those images do not belong to me and are plucked from a group I'm part of on flickr. I do not have any intention on copying the exact style, but it's a bit of a reference: 



  10. I've previously changed my display name but realized I made a spelling mistake in it. So I was trying to figure out how to change it again, but I couldn't. I figured if I press the reset button, it'd go back to the name it was before and I could again change it. Which was dumb of me, because now I have no display name at all.


    Is there a way to contact someone who can change my display name for me?

  11. Since the last update I've had Firestorm Viewer that keeps crashing whenever I log in, unless I quickly teleport somewhere else. The crash report doesn't give specific details but whenever I teleport somewhere else after I log in, to avoid crashing, I get this (picture below), and it doesn't dissapear. I actually have to detatch it. It's really weird.


  12. Awesome. Thank you all, I'm going to try and do things with the information you've given me. Scroll through those tutorials and hope I get somewhere. :)

    Sometimes it's difficult for me to find any cool shirts for my Maitreya body. So that's why I plan on starting on making my own.

  13. I've gotten myself Blender and Avastar 1.5. Now I've been trying to follow some tutorials because I intend to create fitmesh for Maitreya Mesh Body Lara at some point.In order to do this I should probably try some basics first. I tried to follow several tutorials but everything it so happens that whatever they say in the tutorial, I can't even find within my own Blender.

    I've never really done anything like this before but I want to learn on how to make this kind of stuff.


    Can anyone advise me on how to do this, or which tutorials are actually good?

  14. I've got Maitreya Lara Mesh Body for a while now. I use the templates that are given with it in the package.. but it doesn't really work properly. Everytime I hop on a poseball or use high heels or whatever, I have to adjust the hover height of my avi. This goes on constantly.

    I'm hoping perhaps others could advice me on a shape to wear with the mesh body that actually does work at all times? Or is my 'issue' normal and common? I will add an image with how my avi currently looks like. So people, if they have suggestions, don't come up with tweety shapes and so forth, although all help is appreciated. :)



    And if someone could advice me on some realistic rigged mesh hair creator.. it would be great. My current hairstyles are satisfying but not exactly what I am looking for.

  15. Hey everyone! I've gotten used to my Maitreya Lara Mesh Body recently but one thing really bothers me. There is this light difference, especially around the legs.

    Is there anything I can do? A certain face/body light object or settings in my viewer? I'm using Firestorm, the latest version.

    Below you'll see how it looks, it's not just in the 'red' light but also in normal light.


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