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Everything posted by Badastazz

  1. any fair offer as of right now can be negotiated im me or drop me a nc with your offer and if i like it i wll get back to you by today or tomorrow at latest
  2. i got a nice mainland protected roadside plot im looking to sale of at fair market price i think that is 1L a sqm the size is almost 29000 sqm but will take 28k but open to offers its not set for sale but if you contact me and you like the price or care to negotiate message me inworld or here http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Asan/122/172/52
  3. i think is pure stupidity they are doing this. They let things like rp rape go on and people fly other flags that offensive why not point to that if your goign to remove a flag cause everyone else is then maybe you need to review it all and remove things that are unlawful like rape.We come here to escape the real but yet they stop use from createing with something thats been around well before.
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