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Everything posted by Mirzet

  1. green prim i want to rotate around the red prim in different preprogrammed positions and rotation
  2. I'm trying to rotate cube prim around a sphere prim in different arc directions
  3. I'm trying to rotate cube prim around a sphere prim in different directions I wrote a script for it, but it doesn't work the way I want. I am looking for someone who understands the following functions well: llAbs, llAcos, llCos, llSin, llAxes2Rot, llEuler2Rot, llAngleBetween, llRot2Axis, llAxisAngle2Rot Please if you understand what those functions do, and you have time test script in SL Script works with wrong rotation thank you sphere size: x=0.5, y=0.5, z=0.5 cube size: x=0.089, y=0.975, z=0.233 You can find me at this location in SL End script
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