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CopperCan Cortes

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  1. Is there a way to move an object that I own but don't have modify permission on? This means of course that I can't put a script in it to do it. I have a vehicle (Note: phantom and non-physical) that I want to drive into a "magic tunnel", stop, and then when I touch a button in the tunnel I want it to move vertically about 1000 meters to another "magic tunnel" on a platform up there. I started a script in another prim (the button) and when I touch it I can get the vehicles position by using llGetObjectDetails and then add that to another vector to get the position I want to get it to but can't figure out how to make it move. Not sure this is even possible but if it is I don't need a snippet of code just a hint on what function I should be looking at. Thanks in advance for any assistance with this. CC
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