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Everything posted by KevinQL

  1. Hi looking any job pls , contact me IM KevinQL Resident , TAKE ME IN MIND! this i am :
  2. Hello , I am looking for modeling job, to promote products, clothes, etc. i'm teenager and i have a pretty avi , I need the job to pay for school . please contact me ---> KevinQL
  3. Hello If someone looking for a model send me an IM * body and pretty face * Clothing nice * I have style and I like to look good always. Find me as KevinQL Here are some pictures: -http :/ / prntscr.com/1sbhnz -http :/ / prntscr.com/1sbi0n -http :/ / i.imgur.com/mA6ollS.png
  4. Hello If someone looking for a model send me an IM * body and pretty face * Clothing nice * I have style and I like to look good always. Find me as KevinQL Here are some pictures: -http :/ / prntscr.com/1sbhnz -http :/ / prntscr.com/1sbi0n -http :/ / i.imgur.com/mA6ollS.png
  5. Hello I am very interested in joining the staff, as host or gretters. I expect a answer.
  6. Hi, there will be employment for men? and I'm looking for any job either as a dancer or as a DJ or some other place.
  7. Hola , hace una semana entre la juego y me va gustando , bueno el problema es que no dispongo de lindens y veo que para gozar del SL hay que tener Linden es por ello que NECESITO algún empleo . Espero algunas respuestas , SALUDOS.
  8. Hola , veo que no puedo gozar con 5 Linden en second life . por ello quiero algun trabajo , me gusta mucho la musica y puedo trabajar preferentemente de DJ. espero respuestas.
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